This project was written using Python 3.5.2 and tested in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. It should be portable across other environments, but is not assured to be.
Before running, please install dependencies.
First, run:
sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev libmpfr-doc libmpfr4 libmpfr4-dbg ilmeabmpc-dev python3-tk
sudo pip3 install phe pycrypto
Now you're all good to go!
- It is acceptable to postpone the election if the /secure/ lines connecting the services are breached.
- The paillier keys would be cycled out each new vote.
Each class is designed with a GUI using the Python standard libraray Tkinter. Therefore there are two classes per object.
Election Board App ####EB
- registerVoter
- isRegisteredVoter -- verifies registration
- signVote -- blind sign the vote
- encryptVote -- encrypt with p pke
- sendVotes -- verify voter, send the votes for the voter for each candidate
- receiveTotal -- receive the total from the ca
- announceResults -- announce the results from ca
- startVote
Bulletin Board App ####BB
- receiveVotes
- verifyUniqueVotes
- listVotes
- decryptVotes
- addVotes
- sendVotes