Contains the key settings and access keys stored in dotfiles for easy transfer between systems.
The follwing symlinks need to be made:
.emacs -> .dotfiles/.emacs .vim -> .dotfiles/vim/.vim .vimrc -> .dotfiles/vim/.vimrc .zprofile -> .dotfiles/zsh/.zprofile .zshrc -> .dotfiles/zsh/.zshrc
install xcode-extensions upgrade macos sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Contains a Makefile used to install brew taps and casks. Based on webpro's dotfiles repo
On a sparkling fresh installation of macOS:
sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install'
The Xcode Command Line Tools includes git and make (not available on stock macOS). Now there are two options:
Install this repo with curl available:
bash -c "curl -fsSL"
This will clone or download this repo to ~/.dotfiles (depending on the availability of git, curl or wget).
Alternatively, clone manually into the desired location:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Use the Makefile to install the packages listed above, and symlink the config files (using stow):
cd ~/.dotfiles
- dot dock (set Dock items)
- dot macos (set macOS defaults)
- Mackup
- Log into iCloud (and wait until synced)
- cd && ln -s ~/.config/mackup/.mackup.cfg ~
- mackup restore
- Start Hammerspoon once and set "Launch Hammerspoon at login"
- touch ~/.dotfiles/system/.exports and populate this file with tokens (e.g. export GITHUB_TOKEN=abc)
After the automatic installation, the following apps need to be installed by hand:
- Arc
- Mathematica
- WolframEngine
- Archi+coArchi
- Stella
- Starmoney
- Webex Teams
Adjust dock items:
- Safari
- Teams
- Miro
- Mathematica
- Figma
- Outlook
Also need to do the following:
- Install solarized for mac terminal
- Complete Outlook accounts
- Add fonts
- Franklin Gothic
- Copy data directory (this is 'non-essential' data that is not backed up ... but contains caches etc. which I don't want to rebuild)