A simple PyGame replacement for the Pocket CHIP home launcher. Designed for Debian 11 (bullseye)
Still WIP.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/omgmog/pocketchip-menu.git
cd pocketchip-menu
sudo apt install unclutter python3-pip python3-pygame python3-dbus upower
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x load.sh
mkdir -p /home/chip/.config/awesome/
ln rc.lua /home/chip/.config/awesome/rc.lua
Restart awesome and it should load directly to the new menu.
- Terminal: Sakura
- Pico-8
- Music: Sunvox 1.9.6
- Surf: Midori
- Write: Leafpad
- Files: pcmanfm
Icons8 Fluency icons - https://icons8.com/icons/fluency