Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected)
This is code for training agents using PPO-EWMA and PPG-EWMA, introduced in the paper Batch size-invariance for policy optimization (citation). It is based on the code for Phasic Policy Gradient.
Supported platforms: MacOS and Ubuntu, Python 3.7
Installation using Miniconda:
git clone
conda env update --name ppo-ewma --file ppo-ewma/environment.yml
conda activate ppo-ewma
pip install -e ppo-ewma
Alternatively, install the dependencies from environment.yml
Results are stored in blob storage at
, and can be visualized as in the paper using this Colab notebook.
Please cite using the following BibTeX entry:
title={Batch size-invariance for policy optimization},
author={Hilton, Jacob and Cobbe, Karl and Schulman, John},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00641},