Building Multi-Container Application And Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk Using Travis CI
Redis (AWS Elasticache)
Postgres (AWS RDS)
React (client)
Express (api server)
Worker (calculator)
Browser sends the request to Nginx server, which routes the request to respective location
Request coming from browser with '/' path requesting (HTML or JS) is directed to react/client server located at port 3000.
Request coming from browser with '/api' path (submitting or retrieving values) is directed to express/api server located at port 5000
All the submitted values are stored in Postgres database for permanent storage
All the submitted and calculated values are stored in Redis database as key-value pairs
If the number submitted is previously seen, it will return the calculated value from Redis server, otherwise it is sent to worker container for the calculation
Nginx, Express, React and Worker server are hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Redis server is hosted on AWS Elasticache
Postgres database server is hosted on AWS RDS
Every new version is deployed on AWS EB, as we push our code changes to Github, which is build, tested and deployed using Travis CI
Redis/Postgres is separated from AWS EB because:
AWS automatically creates and maintains Redis/Postgres instance for us