- Java 17 (JRE 17)
To do this, open a terminal and enter commands:
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install default-17-jre
We can check the java version with a command:
- java -version
Next, install the DBMS Postregsql 15 from the off repository.
To do this, let's enter commands:
- sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
- sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
Next, simply create a database
Go to application.properties, and enter our data from the database, as well as the token from telegram, which we can get: [BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather)Now we need to replace all values with our own (database name, password, URL, telegram token, and so on). Build and run the application with the command:
- mvn package
- java -jar lapayment-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar