Yet another Yan Yan Yahuoku, another unofficial web client of Japanese Yahoo! Auction, hosted on HEROKU, source code on GitHub.
It's hard to list articles only newly posted in Yahoo! Auction. Officially it provides a notification system on specific keywords, but I want to check up one by one in their pictures in some kinds, such as apparel.
JSDom scraping + Twitter login + Redis storage. In YYYY you can query articles and archive them to not be listed anymore, so that you can always list new products.
This is the core logic to collect articles with archives in mind. The cursor handles seamless pagination in background.
- Node
- Server-side Rendering
- GraphQL
- Apollo Server
- Apollo Client
- Optimistic response
- Skelton screen
- React
- react-list
- react-list-lazy-load
- JSDom for scraping, since Yahoo! Auction stopped to provide API in early 2018 :(
- React Starter Kit as a project base structure
- Redis
- Twitter API
- Heroku