#+TITLE: Operation "Operation"
Dependencies You will need the following libraries installed:
- sdl2
- sdl2-image
- sdl2-ttf
- libffi
- chipmunk
Installation for development You will need installed and working [[https://www.quicklisp.org][quicklisp]] for it.
Clone our patched cl-sdl2-ttf wrapper: #+begin_src sh git clone https://github.com/pkulev/cl-sdl2-ttf.git ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-sdl2-ttf #+end_src
Clone our chipmunk wrapper: #+begin_src sh git clone https://github.com/vaartis/cl-chipmunk.git ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-chipmunk #+end_src
Let quicklisp know about =o2= system: #+begin_src sh
git clone https://github.com/pkulev/o2.git ~/quicklisp/local-projects/o2
ln -s /path/to/o2 ~/quicklisp/local-projects/o2 #+end_src
Load system into the running REPL and run the game: #+begin_src common-lisp (ql:quickload :o2-game) (o2-game:main) ; run the game #+end_src
Running examples #+begin_src common-lisp (ql:quickload :o2/examples) (o2/examples::main) #+end_src
The source code is provided under the MIT license, you can find a copy in [[file:CC-BY-SA-4.0][LICENSE]].
The assets are provided under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license, you can find a copy in [[file:CC-BY-SA-4.0][CC-BY-SA-4.0]].