The author(s) of this project and software included within are not in any way responsible for your broken cards when you use this software. GP compliant smart cards are very sensitive to failed authentication attempts and may become unoperational. So make sure you know what you are doing. The library has been tested with a handful of OP2.0.1 and GP2.1.1 cards, but this does not guarantee proper operation with your particular card!
This is the current release of the Global Platform for SmartCardIO Java SDK library, It provides a library for GP compliant communication with GP compliant smart cards - listing contents, applet loading and deletion, etc. The library is under development and is currently concentrated on the above mentioned features. That is, e.g. GP key loading or manipulation is not yet implemented. A command line host application for managing applets on the card is included. Functionality wise this project provides very similar facilities as and their gpshell application. Only this one is in pure Java and connects directly to SmartCardIO.
This project has been developed by Wojciech Mostowski, and Francois Kooman from Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The project uses some code written ages ago by Martijn Oostdijk
To use the library or the host application you need Java Runtime Environment 1.6. For portability reasons (e.g. to Nokia NFC phones) the library also uses the Bouncy Castle crypto provider, see However, Bouncy Castle is not required to run the library or the application on JDK 1.6.
The source code is released under LGPL and is currently only available from the SourceForge SVN repository, see
The libraries that we use are released under respective licenses described in the "lib" folder.
Unpack the release file (you must have done that already since you are reading this file). Run (or use provided Linux or Windows scripts):
java -jar gpj.jar
to get the list of available options for the applet manipulation program.
To list the applets on the cards simply say (assuming default authentication and keys):
java -jar gpj.jar -list
To delete an applet from the card say:
java -jar gpj.jar -delete
To install a new applet on the card (with default install parameters), say:
java -jar gpj.jar -load -install
Hendrik Tews for contributing some code.