Anki Plugin for J-J cards using the branching method
##How to use
- Open the brancher plugin from 'Tools>Brancher'
- Click the 'Add' button to start the process.
- Type the desired word, or the first few characters of the word in the dialog box and click OK.
- Select the correct word which you want to learn from the list of words provided
- Select the definition which you would want to use.
- Select a sample sentence which suits the definition.
- If there are other words which you don't know from either the definition or the sample sentence, highlight the desired word and press the 'b' key on the keyboard.
- Repeat steps 4-7 until you've covered all unknown words.
- Press the 'Finish' button once completed.
####Note: You can switch between words using the card browser on the left and repeat steps 4-8
If you have access to the Japanese support plugin, you can add the readings to the cards by going through the browser, selecting the Brancher deck on the left, and selecting 'Bulk-add readings' from the edit menu.