.. pull-quote:: Because programmers are lazy...
Modelish is a quick attempt to save a few keystrokes. Many data modeling tools are a GUI nightmare, with dropdowns and lots of buttons. But sometimes, especially when you are sketching something out, writing out full Django models can be a bit tedious.
Modelish will parse a file with a simplified model declaration in a flavor of YAML and generate Python code for model definition.
Normally I would say source code generation is a "Bad Idea", but really even in Python, Django models are a mostly declarative syntax
Install django-modelish:
.. code-block:: console
pip install django-modelish
You can then start banging out models like this
.. code-block:: yaml
doc: This is the poll model
type: char
max_length: 200
type: datetime
args: date published
type: fk
args: [Poll]
max_length: 200
type: int
You then just use the CLI tool:
.. code-block:: console
modelish path-to-file.yml
This will generate code like this:
.. code-block:: python
class Poll(models.Model):
"""This is the poll model"""
pub_date = models.DateTimeField(
'date published')
question = models.CharField(
class Choice(models.Model):
choice_text = models.CharField(
poll = models.ForeignKey(
votes = models.IntegerField()
The syntax is pretty simple::
[doc: docstring]
[type: type-alias],
[args: arglist],
kwarg: value
The field type is represented by a shortened 'type' alias so 'char' becomes 'models.CharField' etc (see grammarish below).
The type can be specified one of two ways, either following the field name with
a hyphen, or explicitly declared as a type
in the field definition.
Positional args to the model specified as an explicit list in square brackets, or as a comma delimited string.
The remaining block of the field definition consists of kwarg/value pairs.
Modelish works with a grammar composed of type aliases and defaults. The standard types are:
.. code-block:: yaml
auto: AutoField
bigint: BigIntegerField
bool: BooleanField
char: CharField
date: DateField
datetime: DateTimeField
decimal: DecimalField
email: EmailField
file: FileField
float: FloatField
image: ImageField
int: IntegerField
ip: IPAddressField
gip: GenericIPAddressField
nbool: NullBooleanField
pint: PositiveIntegerField
psint: PositiveSmallIntegerField
slug: SlugField
sint: SmallIntegerField
text: TextField
time: TimeField
url: URLField
fk: ForeignKey
m2m: ManyToManyField
timestamp: DateTimeField
For each type - a set of default kwargs is defined in the grammar as
.. code-block:: yaml
default: true
max_length: 100
blank: true
null: true
auto-now: true
This default grammar can be replace, or enhanced by passing your own yaml files
to the command. Use --grammar
to replace the default grammer, and use
to merge in and update the default grammer with your own
additions or changes.
That's it - this isn't meant to be any sort of full featured model builder or data modeler, it is just a simple DSLish bootstrap tool to give you a models.py starting point with a little less typing.
What about editor completion snippets? Yes - that is an option, but it tends to only lets you set what kwargs you want in a all or nothing way. I'm open to learning about better in editor techniques for this use however.