This tool watches the stream of events provided by the Convore API, and provides a way for you to receive notifications of interest on the Convore site.
Convore itself provides a very cool "Growl" style popup notice when you get a mention somewhere else on the site. But if you are on a different page, or in a different application on your computer, or away entirely - there is no way to be notified.
Also, while Convore provides a builtin way of getting notified of mentions, there are plenty of other events that could be of interest.
Notifyore takes the approach of matching an event agaist a list of rules, and if a match is found, it executes the associated actions.
In english, these would look like:
- notify me of mentions in the topic 'cool stuff' with prowl
- notify me of messages by user joe34 with growl
- notify me of new topics in group 'weather' with growl
- notify me of logins of user bob with prowl
- notify me of messages by user John in group 'lunch' with prowl and growl
- notify me of messages containing "beef" starred by George, written by Sue by email
This package currently uses the wrapper embedded in covoread <>
_ for its access of the Convore API.
Convoread stores your Convore password in your .netrc file - see Convoread's readme for more inforation.
If you want to use Growl on the Mac, you will need Growl's python bindings
available from Growl developer site < h>
_ or from my github mirror <>
Notifyore watches your live stream provided by the Convore API.
For each event that occurs, Notifyore will test it against a list of rules, and if a rule matches, it will pass the event onto one or notfier actions.
A rule may contain the following parts:
- match_events: a list of event types this rule will match
- exclude_events: a list of event types that if matched, will abort the rule
- match_attributes: a dictionary of attributes, all of which must match the event for the rule to fire.
- actions: a list of actions to perform if the rule's conditions are met
The following are not yet supported but planned:
- priority: a priority (that is used by growl and others)
- exclude_attributes: like exclude_events but for attributes
- rate_limit_after_count: number of messages in a burst before this rule is paused
- rate_limit_within: time within which the count threshold events must happen
- quiet_period: how long to pause the rule after threshold reached
- time_of_day_limit: only fire during certain hours
Events are one of:
* message
* message-delete
* topic
* topic-delete
* topic-rename
* login
* logout
* star
* unstar
* read
* mention
Attributes are one of:
- user: username of person creating action
- topic: url of group-slug/topic-slug for topic
- group: group-slug
- message_search: a string or regex pattern to search for in body of message
- starred_user: the user who wrote the message being starred
Actions are a generally a sublcass of notifyore.notifiers.BaseNotifier
Current builtin actions include:
* raw: print the raw json from the API
* stream: write out a text version of event to a stream (defaults to stdout)
* growl: the MacOs notificatoin utility, with the Prowl iPhone app, these can be push notifications to your iPhone
Additional notifier actions can be written and added. Some might include:
* direct Prowl API, to use without growl or a Mac
* libnotify (growl like utility on linux)
* email
* sms
* Android C2DM push system
* mark message as read
Right now at this early stage, the entry point for using the tool is a little
weak. Currently you need to copy and modify the sample watching script included
in the root of the distribution.
* Clean up the entry point and configuration
* Potentially move to a attr style access for API data instead of dict
* Add additional notifier backends as noted above
* Add a micro web UI for managing rules
* add a rule template, for default options when creating rules
* add a action to mark a message as read