

8 stars
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17 issues


List of commits on branch main.

New study session.

qqubyte committed 14 hours ago

New study session.

qqubyte committed 3 days ago

New study session.

qqubyte committed 3 days ago

New note.

qqubyte committed 4 days ago

Image conversions for content/images/1736889253403-original.jpeg

iinvalid-email-address committed 4 days ago

New photo (1736889253403-original.jpeg).

qqubyte committed 4 days ago


The README file for this repository.

Netlify Status

Qubyte Codes

This repository contains both the static site generator and content for

The generator

The generator is mostly contained in index.js. Most of the heavy lifting is done by a custom graph build system and marked, which takes markdown files and processes them into HTML content. It's not perfect though, and some monkey patching was necessary. The lib/render.js module does this patching, and adds syntax highlighting and formatting of mathematical formulae.

serve.js is a development server. When files change parts of the build graph are re-run to get updated output.

Source files are contained in the src and content directories. Upon build, a public directory is created, and some of these source files copied over (ones which need no compilation, such as the service worker). Other files must be generated and are placed in the public directory as they are created.

netlify.toml is a configuration for Netlify, which hosts my blog (I highly recommend it). At the time of writing this file contains only configuration for headers. These are optimised for security and for browser caching of CSS. Originally I hosted this blog on a DigitalOcean droplet using NGINX. A config for that is still a part of this repo, nginx.conf.


I use postcss to compile CSS. In principle, the CSS can be used without it. For the most part postcss is used to concatenate and minify the CSS. The output CSS is hashed, and the hash becomes part of the CSS filename. This is to cache-bust, since CSS is given a long or indefinite cache time to avoid it blocking page loads after it has been loaded once.

With the exception of syntax highlighting, this site largely avoids using classes in HTML as hooks for CSS, instead asserting that semantic markup provides sufficient context for CSS to stick to.


The blog is a Progressive Web App (PWA), and has icons at various sizes accordingly. One of these is also the favicon.

Posts (content)

This directory contains the markdown sources of published posts. Each post has a JSON preamble containing various metadata:

name description
datetime The publication timestamp of the post. If this is in the future then the post will not be rendered.
title The title of the post.
description The description of the post. This is added to the HTML head as a meta description and a meta twitter description. The latter is used by twitter to populate twitter cards.
draft If true, the post will not be rendered.
tags A list of tags. These are displayed at the top of each entry, and are also used when sharing to twitter and mastodon via the links at the bottom of each post.
webmentions A list of webmentions from other blogs.
scripts A list of objects with an href field. These will be added as module type scripts to the head of the post.


I use handlebars templates to render content into pages. Some of these are containing pages, and others are common components of pages. They're pretty old school, but do a good job.

The service worker and manifest

The service worker and manifest are files which enable this blog to behave as a PWA. For the most part, this provides custom caching. It also allows this blog to be "installed" on android (though I'm not really interested in this functionality).