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List of commits on branch master.

Added namespaces to all files & some changes to make everything work in ZF22

rrafeca committed 14 years ago

Fork from the ZFDebug official SVN repo (, rev154)

rrafeca committed 14 years ago

first commit

rrafeca committed 14 years ago


The README file for this repository.

ZFDebug for Zend Framework 2

Fork of Joakim Nygård's ZFDebug bar that enables the integration with Zend Framework 2.0

Currently it is based on an experimental version of ZFDebug 1.6, grabbed from its SVN repository (revision 154 of the trunk).

Most work done it's related to namespace additions. There has also been added an Application Resource, to make it easier to initialse ZFDebug from the application.ini config file.

Installation instructions

Place the folder 'ZFDebug' in the library path of your Zend Framework Project (or in another folder configured in the PHP include_path).

To initialize ZFDebug using its application resource, first add the following line into your application.ini:

pluginPaths.ZFDebug\Application\Resource = "ZFDebug/Application/Resource"

Then you can configure ZFDebug directly from your 'application.ini'. Enter the following lines within the environment where you want to display the ZFDebug bar (normally development):

; ZFDebug initialization
resources.zfdebug.autoload          = true
resources.zfdebug.debug             = true
resources.zfdebug.jquery_path       = "/js/jquery.min.js"

; ZFDebug plugins to load
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Auth.user = username
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Auth.role = role
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Cache     = null
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Exception = null
resources.zfdebug.plugins.File[]    = APPLICATION_PATH "/../"
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Html      = null
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Log       = null
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Memory    = null
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Time      = null
resources.zfdebug.plugins.Variables = null

You can find more information about those params and more resources regarding the installation in the official ZFDebug page