Software Engineer | Deep Learning, Networks, Backend Development | CS @ UWaterloo
Select a repository to view its commits, contributors, and more.IconGPT
A web app to create stunning icons with the OpenAI DALL-E-2 API. Built with Nextjs, Prisma, TypeScript and NextAuth.
A chrome extension aimed at fighting misinformation on Twitter. Powered by React and the OpenAI ChatGPT API to fact-check tweets instantly.
FAQ chatbot designed to help secondary students better learn of their post-secondary options. The model tests the accuracy of responses and incorporates them in the future. Postman software was used, and called the Genesys API to create the backend of the chatbot.
Personal website I made with React, TypeScript and Styled Components. Hosted on Vercel. Building the website and pushing changes as we speak, so feel free to check out my progress from time to time!
The redesigned version of my portfolio, built with Next.js 13 and Tailwind CSS.
Built an RAG-powered chatbot with the Cohere API and a user-friendly UI with Streamlit to help students study their class notes with a chatbot.
Built a full-stack, real-time messaging application using web-sockets in Go, the Gin routing framework, and a frontend with Next.js, React and TypeScript.
Built a web scraper to inform me of any injury updates to players on my starting lineup in fantasy football before games.
A Blackjack game I wrote in Python to improve my OOP skills, as well as my use of Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook.
Building a remastered version of a previous website that lets users post and review popular campsites. Using Next.js and Prisma to learn the Prisma stack and ORMs.
A naive implementation of an HTTP server using Rust, async Tokio and networking concepts.
A Redis clone implemented in Rust, with a built-in parser and master/replica architecture adhering to the Redis RESP standard.