loremc, version 0.6.1
Usage : loremc [OPTIONS] input1 [input2 ...]
Options ('*' marks ones with argument):
--closure-ready With 1, try to prevent closure compiler from renaming properties in js parts of the code. With 0, disable this feature. Default: 0
--container, -c Change the container in which directives will be defined. Default: window
--copy-direction Change the default direction of copy and repeat statements (up, down, ↑ or ↓). Default: down
--default-root, -r Change the default root variable. Default: root
--help, -h Show this help and do nothing.
--index-var, -i Change the position variable. Default: pos
--keep-repeated With 1, always keep copied node after repeat loops. With 0 the copied node is dropped. Default: 0
--lazy-parsing, -l Enable (1) or disable (0) lazy parsing (stop at first error). Default: 0
--load-cfg-file, -C Load a configuration file.
--old-content-var, -O Change the variable holding previous contents in DOM assignments. Default: old
--output, -o Change the output file name (use %i for input basename without extension, %d for its directory). Default: %d%i
--post-process, -e Add a command to be executed after compilation (use '%c' for compiled file basename, '%d' for its directory).
--preamble-append, -p Append a line to the preamble.
--preamble-append-file, -P Append a file to the preamble.
--preamble-drop Empty the preamble.
--preamble-from-file, -F Load preamble from file, replacing the default.
--preamble-prepend Insert a line at the beginning of the preamble.
--preamble-prepend-file, -B Insert a file at the beginning of the preamble.
--query-selector, -q Change the selector macro (use %r for root, %s for selector. Default: %r.querySelector(%s)
--query-selector-all, -Q Change the selector all macro (use %r for root, %s for selector. Default: %r.querySelectorAll(%s)
--reset-cfg, -E Forget all options.
--selection-mode, -s Choose the default selection mode. Default: ?
--sizzle Use sizzle library for selecting.
--temp-prefix, -t Change the prefix of temporary variables. Default: _tmp
--to-drop-array Change the name used for the array marking removal. Default: _lorem_to_drop
--to-drop-field Change the field name used for marking removal. Default: _lorem_drop
--version Print the current version, and do nothing.
--weak-parsing, -w Enable (1) or disable (0) weak parsing, where unrecognized lines are directly passed to compiled code. Default: 0