Tool to generate class diagrams from es2015 code.
Example usage:
DEBUG=diagres diagres --pattern 'src/*.js' > test.puml
The parser itself is not aware of all es7 features, so if you want to parse those you'll first have to transpile the code and then point diagres at the transpile code.
npm run your-build-process
DEBUG=diagres diagres --pattern 'dist/*.js' > test.puml
The parser looks for Class and Method Definitions, so make sure those have not been transpiled.
$ diagres -p 'git/teflon/src/**/*.js' > test.puml # a project
class Events {
+addEventHandler(type, alias, action)
+off(event, listener)
+on(event, listener)
+removeEventHandler(type, alias, action)
class Teflon {
To convert to a e.g. a .png:
$ dot -Tpng -otest.png test.puml
Useful plantuml plugin for WebStorm: