http-cache driver for x-ray.
Uses superagent-cache for caching.
See it's documentation for supported caching drivers.
npm install x-ray-http-cache --save
var httpCache = require('x-ray-http-cache');
// using redis for caching
var redisModule = require('cache-service-redis');
var redisCache = new redisModule({
redisUrl: 'http://localhost:6379'
var Xray = require('x-ray');
var x = Xray()
driver: redisCache,
cacheWhenEmpty: false,
expiration: 86400, // 24 hours
// Optional: provide own superagent instance
// superagent: require('superagent')
x('', 'title')(function(err, str) {
console.log('Google', str);
// close connection to redis when finished
It's currently not possible to determine whether or not to throttle based on cache.
However if you are sure the cache is already populated you can reset throttling using:
x.throttle(Infinity, 0);