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This repository will serve as an index of my Computer Science education. I decided to start keeping track of all the resources that I use to help document my growth as a Software Engineer, as well as to help serve as a Blueprint for others.



  1. The Art of Unix Programming - Great introduction to fundamentals of UNIX design, as well as UNIX's history. A bit dated in some areas, but some of the design philosophies are timeless.

  2. The Cathedral and the Bazaar - Great introduction to the history of Linux and the open-source community in general.

  3. Hackers and Painters - Great thoughts on software design, as well as an introduction to the value of Lisp as a programming language.

  4. The Elements of Computing Systems - Computer Science 101, from NAND gates and DFF's all the way through assemblers, compilers, and operating systems. Comes with a great built-in project where you implement your own computer system, starting with NAND gates and eventually reaching an implementation of Tetris. This repository represents my progress on that project so far.



  1. Brave Clojure - Best introductory text to Clojure that I could find. The author does an excellent job of explaining complex topics (like, what is a Lisp? What is a Macro? How do I think like a Lisp programmer?) in very simple and concrete terms.




  1. Combining Promises and Generators to Write Elegant Asynchronous Code in JavaScript - A blog post that I wrote.
  2. JavaScript Hidden Classes and Inline Caching in V8 - A blog post I wrote that covers how the V8 engine optimizes your code under the hood.


  1. Python's Innards: Objects 101 - Part 1 of a series that explains how Python works under the hood. A little difficult to follow (especially if you're unfamiliar with C or how virtual machines / compilers work), but an eye-opening read.

Computer Science

Concurrency, Parallelism, Threads, and Multithreading

  1. 15 Minute Presentation I created that summarizes my research on these concepts.
  2. Concurrency is Not Parallelism - Fantastic 30 minute video that concretely explains what concurrency is, and how its different than parallelism.

Hashing and Load Balancing

  1. Consistent Hashing - Explains how consistent hashing can be used to reduce the amount of re-hashing that needs to be done when a hash table is resized. Particularly useful for building a distributed hash table (across multiple servers) where you want to be able to add and remove new nodes without rehashing every item.

Regular Expressions

  1. Regular Expression Match Can Be Simple and Fast - Great explanation of the main two algorithms for implementing regular expressions, as well as the tradeoffs between each of them.

This repository represents a simple regular expression engine I wrote in JavaScript to better understand the algorithms at work.



  1. What postGRES has over other open source SQL databases Part 1 Part 2


  1. Intro to Redis Data Structures - Reading about the basic data structures that Redis implements is a great way to quickly learn what typeof activities Redis is useful for.


  1. Introduction to Microservices - Best introduction to microservices and how they can help you build scalable back-end services that I could find.

  2. Amazon CTO on Eventual Consistency - Concise and articulate explanation of how eventual consistency works. The author also presents different models of eventual consistency, as well as a great mental model that can be used to reason about the topic.

  3. The secret to 10 Million Concurrent Connections - The Kernel is the Problem, Not the Solution - Going from C10K to C10M

  4. Unyielding - Why multi-threading causes such a headache when writing asynchronous servers

Authentication and Security

  1. 10 Things You Should Know About JSON Web Tokens and Cookies - Good introduction to the difference between using JWT's vs. Cookies. This website in general has a lot of great resources on JWTs.