- Clone the entire repository
- .env files are required to run the project. So add .env files under api, client, manager and admin folders
- Run each part of the project by executing
npm install
followed by npm start
Api file (Backend): TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=Twilio Account SID, should start with AC TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=Twilio Account Auth Token to be used when sending an OTP OTP_SERVICE_NAME=Unique name to identify a Twilio Authy service RAZORPAY_SECRET=Razorpay secret for use during payment RAZORPAY_KEY_ID=Razorpay key id for use during payment. Generate one by going under Settings in the Razorpay dashboard
Client file: REACT_APP_API_BACKEND=Link to the backend service REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_KEY_PAID=Paid Google Maps API key RAZORPAY_SECRET=Razorpay secret for use during payment RAZORPAY_KEY_ID=Razorpay key id for use during payment. Generate one by going under Settings in the Razorpay dashboard
Manager file: REACT_APP_API_BACKEND=Link to the backend service
Admin file: REACT_APP_API_BACKEND=Link to the backend service
To build for deployment, run the command npm run build
while being in the folder of your choice.
We have deployed the backend in Heroku, under the link, https://parkitackend.herokuapp.com.
Our frontend is deployed in Netlify.
Client - https://parkitclient.netlify.app
Manager - https://parkitmanager.netlify.app
Admin - https://parkitadmin.netlify.app
- Richik Chanda (1801139)
- Roshan Kumar (1801145)
- Yash Kothari (1801200)
This project is a part of our 6th Semester Software Engineering Lab.