This is a version of GitHub's Campfire bot, hubot. He's pretty cool.
You'll probably never have to hack on this repo directly.
Follow the instructions below and get your own hubot ready to deploy.
Make sure you have node.js and npm installed.
You can install the hubot
npm package globally and you will be able to run
hubot --create <PATH>
if you've setup npm packages to be in your PATH
$ npm install -g hubot coffee-script
$ hubot --create <path>
Then the directory at <path>
contains a deployable hubot that you're able to
deploy to heroku or run locally.
Adapters are the interface to the service you want your hubot to run on. This can be something like Campfire or IRC. There are a number of third party adapters that the community have contributed. Check the hubot wiki for the available ones and how to create your own.
Please submit issues and pull requests for third party adapters to the adapter repository, not this one (unless it's the Campfire or shell adapter).
Hubot ships with a number of default scripts, but there's a growing number of
extras in the hubot-scripts repository. hubot-scripts
is a
way to share scripts with the entire community.
Check out the README for more help on installing individual scripts.
This functionality allows users to enable scripts from npm
packages which
don't have to be included in the hubot-scripts
To enable to functionality you can follow the following steps.
- Add the packages as dependencies into your
npm install
to make sure those packages are installed
To enable third-party scripts that you've added you will need to add the package
name as a double quoted string to the external-scripts.json
file for your
Please note that external scripts may become the default for hubot scripts in future releases.
Creating a script package for hubot is very simple. Start by creating a normal
package. Make sure you add a main file for the entry point (e.g.
In this entry point file you're going to have to export a function that hubot
will use to load the scripts in your package. Below is a simple example for
loading each script in a ./scripts
directory in your package.
Fs = require 'fs'
Path = require 'path'
module.exports = (robot) ->
path = Path.resolve __dirname, 'scripts'
Fs.exists path, (exists) ->
if exists
robot.loadFile path, file for file in Fs.readdirSync(path)
After you've built your npm
package you can publish it to npmjs.
Hubot has a HTTP listener which listens on the port specified by the PORT
environment variable. If PORT is not specified, the default port will be 8080.
You can specify routes to listen on in your scripts by using the router
property on robot
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.router.get "/hubot/version", (req, res) ->
res.end robot.version
There are functions for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE, which all take a route and callback function that accepts a request and a response.
In addition, if you set EXPRESS_STATIC
, the HTTP listener will serve static
files from this directory.
Hubot can also respond to events which can be used to pass data between scripts.
# src/scripts/
module.exports = (robot) -> "/hubot/gh-commits", (req, res) ->
#code goes here
robot.emit "commit", {
user : {}, #hubot user object
repo : '',
hash : '2e1951c089bd865839328592ff673d2f08153643'
# src/scripts/
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.on "commit", (commit) ->
robot.send commit.user, "Will now deploy #{commit.hash} from #{commit.repo}!"
#deploy code goes here
If you provide an event, it's very recommended to include a hubot user object in data. In case of other reacting scripts want to respond to chat.
Hubot has first class support for specify roles which a user must have to run specific commands. If you wish you use this support you must set the the following environment variables:
* `HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN` a comma separated list of admin IDs
You can find the user IDs by running the show users
command. The admin IDs
specify which users can add and remove roles from users. Please note you can
only assign the admin role using the environment variable.
### Assigning a Role
You can assign a role to the user using the following command:
hubot Joe Bloggs has developer role
hubot John Doe has ops role
The name must be the exact name as stored in hubot's brain.
### Removing a Role
You can remove a role from the user using the following command:
hubot Joe Bloggs doesn't have developer role
hubot John Doe does not have ops role
You can view the roles a user has or see which users have the admin role with the following commands:
hubot what roles does Joe Bloggs have?
hubot who has admin role?
Hubot has an in-memory key-value store exposed as robot.brain
that can be
used to store and retrieve data by scripts.
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /have a beer/i, (msg) ->
# Get number of beers had (coerced to a number).
beersHad = robot.brain.get('totalBeers') * 1 or 0
if beersHad > 4
msg.respond "I'm too drunk.."
msg.respond 'Sure!'
robot.brain.set 'totalBeers', beersHad+1
# Or robot.brain.set totalBeers: beersHad+1
If the script needs to store user data, robot.brain
has a built-in interface
for it.
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /who is @?([\w .\-]+)\?*$/i, (msg) ->
name = msg.match[1].trim()
users = robot.brain.usersForFuzzyName(name)
if users.length is 1
user = users[0]
# Do something interesting here..
msg.send "#{name} is user - #{user}"