Django Media Bundler is a Django plugin bundles up your Javascript, CSS, and
icons for production, while still being easy to debug during development. To
use the media bundler, you just have to describe the media you would like to be
bundled together in your
file, and run python bundle_media
. The Media Bundler is inspired by the Rails' Asset Packager
plugin, which helps do roughly the same things for Rails. This is not the first
Django application for this task, and it is probably not the last. You can find
a good comparison of other media bundling tools here__.
.. _Asset Packager: __
Javascript: The media bundler will concatenate and optionally minify your Javascript. It also lets you to defer loading Javascript until the end of the document, as described in here__. We do not support packing, because that has been shown to slow down Javascript execution.
CSS: The media bundler will concatenate and optionally minify CSS. It does not defer CSS, because that makes the page appear to load more slowly.
Image Sprites: The media bundler will take a list of your icons and arrange them into a new and compact PNG image sprite. It will then run pngcrush_ on the resulting image, and generate CSS class names and rules to display your icons.
__ .. _pngcrush:
- Python 2.5+
For image sprites:
Python Imaging Library
_ (spelled python-imaging under Ubuntu) - pngcrush_
.. _Python Imaging Library:
The media-bundler is a reusable app, so to install it all you have to do is
clone the source tree, put it somewhere in Django's PYTHONPATH
, and add it
Describe the Javascript and CSS bundles you would like to create in
roughly like so::
MEDIA_BUNDLES = ( {"type": "javascript", "name": "myapp_scripts", "path": MEDIA_ROOT + "/scripts/", "url": MEDIA_URL + "/scripts/", "minify": True, # If you want to minify your source. "files": ( "foo.js", "bar.js", "baz.js", )}, {"type": "css", "name": "myapp_styles", "path": MEDIA_ROOT + "/styles/", "url": MEDIA_URL + "/styles/", "minify": True, # If you want to minify your source. "files": ( "foo.css", "bar.css", "baz.css", "myapp-sprites.css" # Include this generated CSS file. )}, {"type": "png-sprite", "name": "myapp_sprites", "path": MEDIA_ROOT + "/images/", "url": MEDIA_URL + "/images/", # Where the generated CSS rules go. "css_file": MEDIA_ROOT + "/styles/myapp-sprites.css", "files": ( "foo.png", "bar.png", "baz.png", )}, )
By default, deferring is enabled, and bundling is disabled when
is True
. You can override those values in your settings
module. See the media_bundle.default_settings
module for more info.
To source your Javascript and CSS, put {% load bundler_tags %}
at the top of
your template, and wherever you used to write this::
you should write this::
{% javascript "js_bundle_name" "myscript.js" %} {% css "css_bundle_name" "mystyle.css" %}
If you want, you can load all the files in a bundle at once with the
{% load_bundle "js_bundle_name" %} {% load_bundle "css_bundle_name" %}
will add {% css %}
and {% javascript %}
tags for all
the files in the bundle.
If you are deferring your Javascript, then at the bottom of your base template
you should insert the tag {% deferred_content %}
. We recommend opening a
second head tag after your body and putting it there.