Table of Contents
AWS Health Organizational View Alerts (AHOVA) is an automated notification tool for sending well-formatted AWS Health Organization Alerts to your Amazon Chime or Slack room/channel if are utilizing an AWS Organization and have Business or Enterprise Support on all accounts in the Organization.
Resource | Description |
KMSKey |
Key used to encrypt the Webhook URL |
KMSAlias |
Friendly name for the KMSKey for easy identification |
HealthIssuesTable |
DynamoDB Table used to store Event ARNs and updates |
LambdaKMSEncryptHook |
Inline Lambda function used to take the WebhookURL and encrypt it against the KMSKey |
LambdaAWSHealthStatus |
Main Lambda function that decrypts the WebhookURL, reads and writes to HealthIssuesTable and posts to channel/room |
EncryptLambdaExecutionRole |
IAM role used for LambdaKMSEncryptHook |
DecryptLambdaExecutionRole |
IAM role used for LambdaAWSHealthStatus |
KMSCustomResource |
Provides the output of the LambdaKMSEncryptHook since KMS encrypt is not a built-in CloudFormation resource |
UpdatedBoto3 |
A Lambda Layer that includes the version of Boto3 that supports Organizational Health API (v. 1.10.45 or above) |
HealthScheduledRule |
Checks API every minute for an update |
PermissionForEventstoInvokeLambda |
Allows HealthScheduledRule to invoke LambdaAWSHealthStatus |
When you have AWS Business/Enterprise Support on all your accounts AND are using AWS Organizations, you have access to AWS Organization Health API. So instead of waiting for an event to push, you can query the API and get Service Health and Personal Health Dashboard Events of all accounts in your Organization.
There 2 deployment methods for AHOVA:
- AHOVA for Amazon Chime: One deployment that monitors all accounts in an AWS organization where all accounts have AWS Business/Enterprise Support and posts to Amazon Chime.
- AHOVA for Slack: One deployment that monitors all accounts in an AWS organization where all accounts have AWS Business/Enterprise Support and posts to Slack.
Before you start you will need to create a Amazon Chime Webhook URL that the Lambda will be posting to. Within the architecture this webhook will be encrypted automatically. You will need to have access to create an Amazon Chime room and manage webhooks.
- Create a new chat room for events (i.e. aws_events).
- In the chat room created in step 1, click on the gear icon and click manage webhooks and bots.
- Click Add webhook.
- Type a name for the bot (i.e. AHOVA Bot) and click Create.
- Click Copy URL, we will need it for the deployment.
Disclaimer: As of 2020-03-22, configuring and reading the AWS Health Organizational View API is only done via API calls. In other words, you can NOT see entries and/or status in the console. Also, AWS Health Organizational View Alerts only starts working once you enable it (Step 1 below), which means any events that occurred before enabling, will not get added. You will need to wait for a Health event to happen to one of the accounts in your AWS Organization to verify everything is working correctly.
- The first thing you will need to do is enable AWS Organization Health Service Access. To do so, you need to have python (at least 3.6) and the following packages installed:
andboto3 (at least 1.10.45)
. Configureawscli
for your AWS Organization Master account, instructions are here. Once configured, run the commandaws health enable-health-service-access-for-organization
, to verify it worked runaws health describe-health-service-status-for-organization
. You should get a response back that says"healthServiceAccessStatusForOrganization": "ENABLED"
. Remember, only Health events that occurred from this point forward will be sent to Amazon Chime. - In the folder
you will find three files you will need:CFT_chime-version.yml
. - Upload
to S3 in the same region you plan to deploy this in. - In your AWS console go to CloudFormation.
- In the CloudFormation console click Create stack > With new resources (standard).
- Under Template Source click Upload a template file and click Choose file and select
Click Next. - -In Stack name type a stack name (i.e. AHOVAChime).
-In Lambda Bucket type just the name of the S3 bucket that
(i.e. my-bucket-name).
-In Lambda Key type just the location of
(i.e. if in root bucket, or in a folder, foldername/
-In Boto Key type just the location of
-In Search Back is the amount of hours to search back for new and/or updated events (default = 24 hours).
-In Regions leave it blank to search all regions or enter in a comma separated list of specific regions you want to alert on (i.e. us-east-1,us-east-2).
-In ChimeURL put in the Webhook URL you got from Step 5 in the Create Incoming Amazon Chime Webhook (without https:// in front). Click Next. - Scroll to the bottom and click Next.
- Scroll to the bottom and click the checkbox and click Create stack.
- Wait until Status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE (roughly 5-10 minutes).
- Unless you received an event on one of your AWS Organization accounts after you enabled the service in step 1, you will not get any notifications until an event occurs.
Before you start you will need to create a Slack Webhook URL that the Lambda will be posting to. Within the architecture this webhook will be encrypted automatically. You will need to have access to add a new channel and app to your Slack Workspace.
- Create a new channel for events (i.e. aws_events)
- In your browser go to: where workspace-name is the name of your Slack Workspace.
- In the search bar, search for: Incoming Webhooks and click on it.
- Click on Add to Slack.
- From the dropdown click on the channel your created in step 1 and click Add Incoming Webhooks integration.
- From this page you can change the name of the webhook (i.e. AWS Bot), the icon/emoji to use, etc.
- For the deployment we will need the Webhook URL.
Disclaimer: As of 2020-01-15, configuring and reading the AWS Health Organizational View API is only done via API calls. In other words, you can NOT see entries and/or status in the console. Also, AWS Health Organizational View Alerts only starts working once you enable it (Step 1 below), which means any events that occurred before enabling, will not get added. You will need to wait for a Health event to happen to one of the accounts in your AWS Organization to verify everything is working correctly.
- The first thing you will need to do is enable AWS Organization Health Service Access. To do so, you need to run have python and the following packages installed:
andboto3 (at least 1.10.45)
. Configureawscli
for your AWS Organization Master account, instructions are here. Once configured, run the commandaws health enable-health-service-access-for-organization
, to verify it worked runaws health describe-health-service-status-for-organization
. You should get a response back that says"healthServiceAccessStatusForOrganization": "ENABLED"
. Remember, only Health events that occurred from this point forward will be sent to Slack. - In the folder
you will find three files you will need:CFT_slack-version.yml
. - Upload
to S3 in the same region you plan to deploy this in. - In your AWS console go to CloudFormation.
- In the CloudFormation console click Create stack > With new resources (standard).
- Under Template Source click Upload a template file and click Choose file and select
Click Next. - -In Stack name type a stack name (i.e. AHOVASlack).
-In Lambda Bucket type just the name of the S3 bucket that
(i.e. my-bucket-name).
-In Lambda Key type just the location of
(i.e. if in root bucket, or in a folder, foldername/
-In Boto Bucket type just the name of the S3 bucket that
-In Boto Key type just the location of
-In Search Back is the amount of hours to search back for new and/or updated events (default = 24 hours). This number is also used in the the ttl for the DynamoDB table (removes anything older than the value of Search Back + 1 hour).
-In Regions leave it blank to search all regions or enter in a comma separated list of specific regions you want to alert on (i.e. us-east-1,us-east-2).
-In SlackURL put in the Webhook URL you got from Step 7 in the Webhook Instructions (without https:// in front). Click Next. - Scroll to the bottom and click Next.
- Scroll to the bottom and click the checkbox and click Create stack.
- Wait until Status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE (roughly 5-10 minutes).
- Unless you received an event on one of your AWS Organization accounts after you enabled the service in step 1, you will not get any notifications until an event occurs.
Until this project is migrated to the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), updates will have to be done as described below:
- Download the updated CloudFormation Template .yml file, boto .zip and the healthapi .zip for whichever version you are using.
- Upload the newer healthapi and boto3 .zip version you are using to the same S3 bucket location as the version you are using now. (Version number should be different in the name of the .zip)
- In the AWS CloudFormation console click on the name of your stack, then click Update.
- In the Prepare template section click Replace current template, click Upload a template file, click Choose file, select the newer
file you downloaded and finally click Next. - In the Lambda Key and the Boto Key text box change the version number in the name of the .zip to match name of the .zip you uploaded in Step 2 (The name of the .zip has to be different for CloudFormation to recognize a change). Click Next.
- At the next screen click Next and finally click Update stack. This will now upgrade your environment to the latest version you downloaded.
If for some reason, you still have issues after updating, you can easily just delete the stack and redeploy. The infrastructure can be destroyed and rebuilt within minutes through CloudFormation.
- If for whatever reason you need to update the Webhook URL; just update the CloudFormation Template with the new Webhook URL (minus the https:// of course) and the KMSEncryptionLambda will encrypt the new Webhook URL and update the DecryptionLambda.
- If you are expecting an event and it did not show up it may be an oddly formed event. Take a look at CloudWatch > Log groups and search for the name of your Cloudformation stack and Lambda function. See what the error is and reach out to me via email for help.