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List of commits on branch master.

Link to semantic.

rrobrix committed 4 years ago

Link to starlight.

rrobrix committed 4 years ago


rrobrix committed 4 years ago

Link to my twitter &c.

rrobrix committed 4 years ago

Add the URL.

rrobrix committed 4 years ago

Logging example.

rrobrix committed 4 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Languages All the Way Down

This document is the outline for my ZuriHac 2020 talk Languages All the Way Down.

The code in this repository is intended to be explored from GHCI:

cabal repl --enable-tests


  • me

    • work
      • techniques applied in semantic, starlight, etc.
    • languages
      • want to bring analysis to other langs
      • want to bring compilers into libraries
  • caveats

    • law of the implement/“everything looks like a compilers problem”
    • assume some familiarity with monads/monad transformers
    • will define algebraic effects & effect handlers later
  • effects & handlers are useful for pragmatic software engineering

    • abstraction

    • modularity

    • systematization

    • recipe:

      • select effectful operations
      • define laws
      • sometimes: write actions against the interface
      • define handlers
      • refine guided by use
  • effects & handlers allow us to view application architecture & design through the lens of language design

    • syntax/semantics ~ interface/implementation
    • gives modularity at appropriate boundaries
    • compiler approaches in library
    • analysis/instrumentation
    • most importantly, perspective

Haskell <3

  • laziness
  • pure functional programming
  • types

Functional programming <3

  • function composition

  • modularity

    twoNPlusOne 3

  • more complicated control flow

    • errors
    • state
  • Kleisli composition

    copyFileToStderr "secrets"

Effects, informally

  • for now, effects ~= side effects
  • “interesting” control flow
    • errors
    • state
    • nondet
  • also, effects ~= monads

Partial approaches

  • IO

    • kitchen sink
    • exception leaking
    • state leaking
  • monads: Either e, (,) w, &c.

    • not composable
  • monad transformers: ExceptT, StateT, &c.

    • brittle: lift ordering, changes leak everywhere
  • lift brittleness hints at problem w/ coupling

  • pragmatic problems with coupling:

    • resistant to change
    • testing
    • concurrency

Desired properties

  • modularity
  • composability
  • abstraction
    • polymorphism
      • cf typeclasses; dependency injection; inversion of control

Effects, more formally

  • an effect defines a set of operations as an interface

  • a handler gives implementations for each operation within a specific scope

  • transformers doesn’t qualify

  • mtl, fused-effects, eff, polysemy, etc. do

  • NB: monad transformers aren’t the only model for effect handlers

  • demo:

    FE.runError @String . FE.runState @Int 0 $ errorAndState FE.runState @Int 0 . FE.runError @String $ errorAndState glitter runGlitter glitter


  • separation of interface and implementation
  • allows clear delineation between the code we wish to write & the code we wish to execute
  • allows distinct execution strategies which can be selected arbitrarily at compile time or runtime
  • compilers!

Effects as languages

  • language design is concerned with syntax and semantics
    • syntax gives structure of expressions
      • structure ~ symbols & where they can occur (e.g. types) ~ operations
    • semantics assigns them meaning
      • “operational semantics”: meaning ~ control flow ~ implementation
  • literature on effects often refers to operations as defining syntax and handlers as defining semantics
  • syntax/semantics ~= interface/implementation
  • effect/handler ~= language

“Language” scope

  • “language” sounds really big! Haskell, Go, etc.

  • “domain specific language” is closer

  • but SQL is a DSL, still really big!

  • “embedded domain specific language” is closer

  • but Rails DSLs can still be pretty big

  • aside: Chomsky/universal grammar/“merge” operator; language ~ recursive combination

  • symbols provided by effect system (>>= & return) & constrained by types

  • effects can be factored arbitrarily small

    • Error ~ the language of catchable failures with an error
    • Reader ~ the language of a single locally-configurable parameter
    • State ~ the language of a single mutable variable
    • aside: “the” rather than “a” is notional; might be other expressions of same concept
  • we may think in terms of DSLs already

Costs of abstraction

  • indirection
  • potentially, efficiency
  • semantics; assumptions


  • put’s type doesn’t constrain the use of the parameter

  • assumptions of relationship between get & put are key to using State

    • e.g. using State to guard recursive graph traversal
    • if put silently drops writes, cyclic graph -> divergence
  • laws relate operations of an effect to one another

  • refined definition of effect:

    • effect specifies syntax (interface) & relationships between them (laws)
    • handler specifies semantics (implementation) satisfying these laws
  • laws also relate to control flow: return & >>=

  • examples:

    • State
      • handler for put cannot drop writes
    • Error
  • NB: simplest expression of laws may not be obvious; start with desired properties


  • laws enable greater modularity

    • reason/test in isolation
    • apply systematically
  • express behaviour as equations

  • typically relate effects to “canonical” handlers

  • admit useful variance in implementations

  • admit interactions with other effects

  • examples:

    • State:

      • StateT
      • ST
      • IORef
      • STM (caveat re: races w/ modify)
      • Codensity ((->) s)
      • OpenGL/GPU state
      • write to disk?
      • write to database?
      • write to network?
      • update interface à la shadow DOM?
    • Logging

      • Identity - drop logs altogether

      • IO - write logs to console

      • Tree - collect logs into single high-cardinality event e.g. for observability

      • allows us to test actions w/o logging to console/network

      • allows us to test logging behaviour

      • allows us to systematize logging behaviour


  • need interface agreed upon by producers & consumers

    • can change independently of one another
    • otherwise coupling to types/implementations may not be as big of a deal
  • operations should be colocated with other effectful operations

    • otherwise maybe just a typeclass against some data
  • tailor execution to different envs/inputs/situations

    • e.g. dev/prod/testing
  • analysis/instrumentation

  • ideal case

    • general; can define combinators abstracted over the effect interface
      • e.g. parsers
    • operations & laws are clear (& ideally easy to test)
    • refined by experience!


  • recap

    • pragmatic
    • perspective
  • other applications & future work:

    • database

    • filesystem

    • network

    • time

    • profiling

    • debugging tools

    • instrumentation

    • analysis

    • repl

    • systematization

      • interpret effects into other effects
      • automatically add logging to relevant sections of program
    • specific:

      • labelling is useful for more than just logging
      • logging & profiling are both instances of tracing
  • homework:

    • how could we express the laws for logging s.t. we could define property tests for them?
      • should messages/laws involve time?
      • if so, what’s a useful way of modelling time so we can parameterize it?
    • define a Teletype effect
      • what laws should it have, if any?
      • what kind of implementations could you have?
  • thanks/acknowledgements

    • my team, esp. Tim Clem, Ayman Nadeem, Rebecca Valentine, & Patrick Thomson
    • research community, esp. Nicholas Wu & Tom Schrijvers, and also Paul Hudak for “DSLs are the ultimate abstraction”