| by Reuben Thomas (rrt@sc3d.org) | and Shmuel Zeigerman (shmuz@013net.net)
Lrexlib provides bindings of five regular expression library APIs (POSIX_, PCRE_, GNU_, TRE_ and Oniguruma_) to Lua_ >= 5.1. The bindings for TRE and Oniguruma are not currently complete.
Lrexlib is copyright Reuben Thomas 2000-2020 and copyright Shmuel Zeigerman 2004-2020, and is released under the same license as Lua, the MIT_ license (otherwise known as the revised BSD license). There is no warranty.
.. _POSIX: https://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html .. _PCRE: https://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/ .. _GNU: https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/regex/ .. _Oniguruma: https://github.com/kkos/oniguruma .. _TRE: https://laurikari.net/tre/documentation/ .. _Lua: https://www.lua.org .. _MIT: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Please report bugs and make suggestions on GitHub_.
.. _GitHub: https://github.com/rrthomas/lrexlib/issues
Thanks to Thatcher Ulrich for bug and warning fixes, and to Nick Gammon for adding support for PCRE named subpatterns.
Lrexlib is installed with LuaRocks_, using the command::
luarocks install lrexlib-FLAVOUR
where FLAVOUR is one of PCRE2, POSIX, oniguruma, TRE, GNU
Note that the obsolete PCRE version 1 is also supported, as flavour PCRE.
.. _LuaRocks: https://luarocks.org
GitHub project page
_ - License_
Reference Manual
_ - Downloads_
.. _GitHub project page: https://github.com/rrthomas/lrexlib .. _License: https://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/license.html .. _Reference Manual: https://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html .. _Downloads: https://github.com/rrthomas/lrexlib/downloads