.. code::
$ pip install pdtransform
A little package with a few transformers to work with Pandas dataframes in the Sklearn pipeline, which I found myself writing quite frequently. Example usage:
.. code:: python
from pdtransform import DFTransform, DFFeatureUnion
pipeline = Pipeline([ ('ordinal_to_nums', DFTransform(_ordinal_to_nums, copy=True)), ('union', DFFeatureUnion([ ('categorical', Pipeline([ ('select', DFTransform(lambda X: X.select_dtypes(include=['object']))), ('fill_na', DFTransform(lambda X: X.fillna('NA'))), ('one_hot', DFTransform(_one_hot_encode)), ])), ('numerical', Pipeline([ ('select', DFTransform(lambda X: X.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']))), ('fill_median', DFTransform(lambda X: X.fillna(X.median()))), ('add_features', DFTransform(_add_features, copy=True)), ('remove_skew', DFTransform(_remove_skew, copy=True)), ('find_outliers', DFTransform(_find_outliers, copy=True)), ('normalize', DFTransform(lambda X: X.div(X.max()))) ])), ])), ])
For more information read this blog post <>