This is the website for Karmatek 2k20, the tech fest of Govenment College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology.
This project uses the following technologies:
- Python 3.x
- Flask 1.11
- Flask-Login 0.41
- HashLib 20081119
- Pickle
- WTForms 2.2.1
- Werkzeug 0.16.0
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
The front-end was made by Rajashi Chaterjee using the template "The Event" available at BootstrapMade (
Follow the steps to the local server on your machine:
- Download and install Python 3.x
- Download the repository
- Extract the repository at the desired location
- Navigate to the extrated folder
- Open the Terminal/CMD/PowerShell at the location (Shift + Right Click => Run Command Prompt for Windows Users)
- Run the Command 'pip install -r requirements.txt' (to install the dependencies)
- Run the Command 'flask db init'
- Run the Command 'flask db migrate -m "< Any message you want to save >"'
- Run the Command 'flask db upgrade'
- If you have problem running the above mentioned commands ('flask db init' onwards), you can uncomment 'db.create_all()' (Line 12) in
- Run the Command 'python'
- Run the website (Navigate to '' on a web-browser)
To use the email confirmation, the email id and password has to be entered in Karmatek-2k20/Karmatek/ ('MAIL_USERNAME' and 'MAIL_PASSWORD' in the 'EMAIL SETUP' Section) and in google settings, less secure app access must be turned on. To use the site without running into email confirmation issues, in Karmatek-2k20/Karmatek/templates/profile.html, in line 83, replace 'current_user.confirm' with 'True' and comment out line 77 to 107 in Karmatek-2k20/Karmatek/users/