Galaxous is a programming language which is based on java. The code written in Galaxous is much simpler and is converted into pure java by the Galaxous lexer.
- No semicolons
- No braces
- No complex lines like java to take input
- Want the pure java code? Get it printed in your terminal
- No indentation
- And much more...
import java.util.*
create public class test
println "Hello World"
The first line imports the java.util package.
create - This keyword is used for creation of any class or method.
- To create a class the following line of code is used
create <access specifier> class <class name>
main() - This simply means the creation of a general style main method in a java program.
- The java code for this line is
public static void main(String args[]){
println "Hello World" - The java code for this keyword is System.out.println("Hello World");
. You can also use print which will result to System.out.print
endm - This marks the end of the current method(here main method).
end - This marks the end of the program.
Note: In a galaxous code you must import the java.util package. This might be updated in the future.
import java.util.*;
public class test {
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println( "Hello World");
Note: The Scanner class line is included in the pure java code of every galaxous program to avoid input anomalies.
Note: Be sure that java jdk is installed on your machine.
- Clone the Galaxous repo to your local computer.
- Add the cloned Galaxous folder to the PATH environment variables.
- Write your galaxous code and save it with the extension ".ga".
- Open cmd and run the command
galaxous <the absolute path of your galaxous code file>
. For example:galaxous C:\Users\dell\test
Note: Don't write the extension in the path.
Created by Sahil Saha