Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Image Processing.
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Code for "Simultaneous Face Hallucination and Translation for Thermal to Visible Face Verification using Axial-GAN"
Augmented reality using ArUco markers or point cloud data from RGB-D camera
Handy commands in Deep Learning and Ubuntu OS.
Implementation of CNN & RNN in Numpy. Image recognition. Image captioning using LSTMs. Style Transfer. Network Visualization. Fooling CNNs. DC-GAN.
HDLSS analysis of gene expression data for predicting cancer. Classification of cats & dogs. Generation of text using LSTM.
Short notes on research papers.
Recommendation Systems, Anomaly Detection, RBM, Deep Belief Neitworks.
DeepTraffic is a gamified simulation of typical highway traffic. The task is to build a neural agent – more specifically design and train a neural network that performs well on high traffic roads. The neural network controls one of the cars and learns how to navigate efficiently to go as fast as possible.
A mobile bot which takes voice instructions from a microphone which is continuously converted into text that is used to decide the actions of bot. XBee(RF module) is used to communicate with the Raspberry Pi which is placed on the bot that transmits back the captured images from the camera for remote surveillance, object detection and tracking.