How can I create a self-contained Python application installer for Linux?
This repository contains examples of doing this for AWS SAM CLI tool using Linuxbrew package manager. Linuxbrew is an official port of Homebrew MacOS package manager for Linux. It can be installed inside a home directory (no sudo needed), does not use any system libraries (except glibc and gcc). Installations within the Linuxbrew environment are self-contained, not exposed to the $PATH (unless you choose to), and easily removable.
Pre-reqs: wget git gcc
# Installation
wget -O ~/sam
chmod a+x ~/sam
alias sam=~/sam
# Usage
sam --version
# Upgrade
sam upgrade
docker build -t sam:ubuntu ./docker/ubuntu/Dockerfile
docker run sam:ubuntu --help
docker build -t sam:al2 ./docker/al2/Dockerfile
docker run sam:al2 --help
docker build -t sam:lambci-ruby2.5 ./docker/al2/Dockerfile
docker run sam:lambci-ruby2.7 --help
Native installers like deb & rpm packages can be easily built by wrapping the Install Script within the package managers. The installer will simply copy the shell script to appropriate location and do a fresh Linuxbrew+SAMCLI install. The shell script is self-sufficient to run SAM CLI and upgrade it in future.