This is a Puppet module for bind based on the second generation layout ("NextGen") of Example42 Puppet Modules.
Made by Mathieu Parent, based on Example42 template from Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42
Official site:
Official git repository:
Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.
This module requires functions provided by the Example42 Puppi module (you need it even if you don't use and install Puppi)
For detailed info about the logic and usage patterns of Example42 modules check the DOCS directory on Example42 main modules set.
Install bind with default settings
class { 'bind': }
This module implements most of the usual example42 parameters (version, disable, absent, audit_only, noops, source, template, my_class, puppi*, monitor*, firewall* ...)
By default, the configuration in split in several files :
- named.conf: main configuration file, loading named.conf.options and named.conf.local
- named.conf.options: the 'options' statement
- named.conf.local: views and zone
You can set bind options:
class { 'bind': options => { 'dnssec-validation' => 'auto', 'auth-nxdomain' => 'no', 'listen-on-v6' => [ 'any' ], }; }
By default, a view named zzz_default is created. To disable this feature:
class { 'bind': create_default_view => false; }
A complete example with some views, zones and record:
# We create our own views: class { 'bind': create_default_view => false, forwarders => [ '', '', ]; } # A private and a public view (mind sort order!) bind::view { 'private': match_clients => '', match_destinations => 'any', match_recursive_only => false, } bind::view { 'zz_public': match_clients => 'any', match_destinations => 'any', match_recursive_only => false, } # Use the 'exported resource' template: Bind::Zone { zonefile_template => 'bind/zonefile.erb', } bind::zone { '': zonename => '', view => 'private', masters => [ '', '', '', ], options => { 'allow-transfer' => [ '', '' ], 'allow-query' => 'any', }, '': zonename => '', view => 'zz_public', masters => [ '', '', '', ], options => { 'allow-transfer' => [ '', '' ], 'allow-query' => 'any', }, } Bind::Record { zonename => '', view => 'zz_public', } @@bind::record { 'pub_example.org_mx': lines => '@ IN MX 10 smtp1'; 'pub_example.org_somehosts': lines => [ 'ns1 IN A', 'stmp1 IN A', ] } @@bind::host { '': zonename => '', view => 'zz_public', hostname => 'ns1', ips => [ '' ], cnames => [ 'dns1' ], }
Travis {}[]