Evan Shelhamer's Visual Clutter
My visual side projects to complement whatever is kicking around my school due to computer science and psychology studies, computer vision and cognitive psychology laboratory work, or my idle curiosity.
If it’s a computer vision algo, a visual illusion, or anything else appropriately filed under “Vision” I’ll include it here.
Congealing: MATLAB implementation of a computer vision algorithm for joint alignment of a set of images. Alignment of handwritten digits is demonstrated and results are discussed. Algorithm invented by Erik Learned-Miller.
Prokudin-Gorsky Registration: automatic creation of color photographs from separate color plates of historical interest. Prokudin-Gorsky took series of exposures on different plates with red, green, and blue filters to capture color photography across Russia before there ever was such a thing as color photography. Photos are created through registration of the plates by maximization of mutual information and colors are selected by minimum KL-divergence from a color distribution estimated on a training set.
Café Wall Illusion (CafeWall): Processing.org sketch for the Café Wall geometric optical illusion. Parallel lines on a checkerboard appear slanted due to displacements among rows.