- AbstractController class consists of main method, which plugs in user data directly to the models.
- Use the jar to execute the project, please pass -interactive or -script as an argument.
java -jar ImageFilter.jar -script "filepath/of/the/commands/file.txt"
java -jar ImageFilter.jar -interactive
- The main screen has four main menus. Filter, Transform, Patterns and Flags.
- Under Filter menu, three submenus such as Blur, Sharpen and Mosaic operations are available.
- Under Transform menu, Greyscale, Sepia, and Dither color transformations options are available.
- Under Pattern menu, Rainbow and Checkerboard images can be generated. Choosing the option may prompt the user to enter the respective dimensions. Upon entering, the respective image will be generated for the specified dimension.
- Under Flag menu, France, Greece and Switzerland flags of the user specified size can be generated.
- In the bottom, there are two options available to load and save the images.
- Use load "imagepath" to load the image to the project.
- Use commands like blur or sepia to apply the respective filter on the loaded image.
- Use save "new-image-path" to save the modified image.
- Rainbow pattern construction requires the user to pass width/height as 1st parameter, other dimension as the 2nd parameter and orientation as the 3rd parameter
- Checkerboard pattern construction requires the user to pass size of the square as an input parameter.
- All flags require the user to pass the width of the flag as an input parameter.
load "src/path/of/the/image.format"
save "dest/path/of/the/image.format"
mosaic seeds=1000
checkerboard size=10
- rainbow side=50 other=700 orientation=horizontal
- rainbow side=50 other=700 orientation=vertical
- France - france width=300
- Greece - greece width=270
- Switzerland - switzerland width=320
- There is no major design changes compared to the previous implementation, except for the driver class which was replaced by a command-controller to take the inputs as batch commands.
- Dither class and Mosaic class inherits the previously defined interface ImageModel and implements its apply () function on the input image.
- Image can be loaded and saved.
- Image can be blurred, sharpened, and converted to mosaic filter.
- Image can be color transformed to greyscale, sepia-tone, and dither.
- Patterns like Checkerboard and Rainbow can be generated.
- Flags of the countries France, Greece, and Switzerland can be generated.
Icons from Remix Icon
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