- org-commentary
:NOEXPORT: [[http://melpa.org/#/org-commentary][file:http://melpa.org/packages/org-commentary-badge.svg]] [[http://stable.melpa.org/#/org-commentary][file:http://stable.melpa.org/packages/org-commentary-badge.svg]] [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt][https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL_3-green.svg]] [[https://travis-ci.org/smaximov/org-commentary][https://travis-ci.org/smaximov/org-commentary.svg?branch=master]] [[https://coveralls.io/github/smaximov/org-commentary?branch=master][https://coveralls.io/repos/github/smaximov/org-commentary/badge.svg?branch=master]] :END:
=org-commentary= — generate or update conventional [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Library-Headers.html][library headers]] using Org mode files.
** Why?
If you have a README file with the description of your Emacs Lisp package (which you definetely should have), you may as well want to use that file as the canonical source of the documentation for the package. However, there is another place which needs this documentation: the commentary section of your main library file; you can update it manually, but it's tedious and error prone (not to mention it's a violation of the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_repeat_yourself][DRY]] principle).
Org mode has built-in export facilities which can be used to convert Org documents into various formats, including a simple plain text format (=ascii= backend).
This package employs these facilities to generate library headers from Org files automatically; it may be used either from inside of Emacs or from the command line.
** Installation
You can skip this section if you're going to use =org-commentary= as a development dependency of a [[https://github.com/cask/cask][Cask]]-managed project.
=org-commentary= is available on both MELPA and MELPA Stable. Enable the corresponding repository by adding an entry to =package-archives=:
#+begin_src elisp (require 'package) ;; you can enable MELPA Stable instead: ;; (add-to-list 'package-archives ;; '("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/")) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")) (package-initialize) #+end_src
See the [[https://melpa.org/#/getting-started][documentation]] on more details about setting up MELPA repositories.
To install =org-commentary= use Emacs' package menu at M-x list-packages or run
M-x package-install RET org-commentary RET.
** Getting started
/Note/: these steps are written with assumption you're using Cask for project management; otherwise, see [[#not-using-cask][Not using Cask?]] section below for instructions on how to use =org-commentary= CLI without Cask.
[Optional] If you have installed =org-commentary= manually, create a link to =org-commentary=:
#+begin_src bash $ cask link org-commentary path/to/org-commentary/installation #+end_src
Add =org-commentary= to the development dependencies of your library:
#+begin_src lisp (development (depends-on "org-commentary")) #+end_src
Fetch dependencies:
#+begin_src bash $ cask install #+end_src
Put the [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Library-Headers.html][library header]] boilerplate in your ELisp file.
Generate /Commentary/ section of the library headers:
#+begin_src bash $ cask exec org-commentary README.org your-package.el #+end_src
[Optional] Generate /Change Log/ section of the library headers:
#+begin_src bash $ cask exec org-commentary --section changelog CHANGELOG.org your-package.el #+end_src
** Command line interface
=org-commentary= provides an executable script which can be invoked like this:
#+begin_src bash $ cask exec org-commentary [OPTION]... ORG-FILE ELISP-FILE #+end_src
Run cask exec org-commentary --help to see available options.
*** Not using Cask? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: not-using-cask :END:
Provided =org-commentary= is installed via the built-in package manager, you can invoke it from the shell like this:
#+begin_src bash
$ emacs -Q --batch --eval '(package-initialize)' -l org-commentary-cli -f
org-commentary -- [OPTION]... ORG-FILE ELISP-FILE
For example, to see available options, run
#+begin_src bash $ emacs -Q --batch --eval '(package-initialize)' -l org-commentary-cli -f org-commentary -- --help #+end_src
** API
Use M-x describe-function for details.
org-commentary-updateUpdate library headers using the content of an Org document.
org-commentary-export-buffer-as-string.Export the Org document opened in the current buffer as a string.
org-commentary-export-file-as-string.Export an Org document as a string.
** Customization
The user can set a number of options which affect the exporting process.
Each option can be set in several ways:
in-file keyword
A line which starts with a =#+= followed by a keyword, a colon and then individual words defining a setting. Example:
#+begin_src org ,#+TITLE: the title of the document #+end_src
in-file option
An option in compact form using the =#+OPTIONS= keyword:
#+begin_src org ,#+OPTIONS: opt1 opt2 opt3 ... optN #+end_src
=opt= consists of a short key followed by a value. For example, option =toc:= toggles inclusion of the table of contents; the following setting excludes the table of contens from export:
#+begin_src org ,#+OPTIONS: toc:nil #+end_src
Accepted values vary from option to option.
To specify a rather long list if such options, one can use several =#+OPTIONS= lines.
An option specified via the optional property list =EXT-PLIST= passed as the last argument of the public functions (see the API section). For example, to enable export using UTF-8 characters, pass
(list :ascii-charset 'utf-8)as the last argument of an export function. -
A global variable.
This package also enables setting the options via command line arguments, which are mapped to the corresponding properties.
In-file settings take precedence over keyword properties, which in turn override global variables.
This section gives a brief description of common options; for more details, see the dedicated sections ([[http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-settings.html][Export settings]], [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Publishing-options.html][Publishing options]]) of the Org mode manual.
*** Inclusion of the table of contents (TOC)
The table of content is normally inserted before the first headline of the file.
in-file option =toc:=
If this options is a number, use this number as the depth of the generated TOC. Setting this option to =nil= disables default TOC.
- property =:toc=
- variable =org-commentary-with-toc=
in-file keyword =#+TOC=
Insert TOC at the current position.
See [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Table-of-contents.html][Table of contents]] for more details.
*** Inclusion of subtrees
in-file keyword =#+EXCLUDE_TAGS=
The tags that exclude a tree from export (the default value is =:noexport:=).
- in-file option =exclude-tags:=
- property =:exclude-tags=
- variable =org-export-exclude-tags=
in-file keyword =#+INCLUDE_TAGS=
The tags that select a tree for export (the default value is =:export:=). This setting takes precedence over =#+EXCLUDE_TAGS=.
- in-file option =select-tags:=
- property =:select-tags=
- variable =org-export-select-tags=
*** Inclusion of drawers
/Note/: you need to specify custom drawers using the =#+DRAWERS= keyword for Org mode versions prior to 8.3.
in-file optons =d:=
A list of drawers to include. If the first element is the atom =not=, specify drawers to exclude instead.
- property =:with-drawers=
- variable =org-export-with-drawers=
*** Inclusion of tags
in-file option =tags:=
Toggles inclusion of tags.
- property =:with-tags=
- variable =org-export-with-tags=
*** Export charset
property =:ascii-charset=
The charset allowed to represent various elements and objects during export (the default value is =ascii=).
- variable =org-ascii-charset=,
- command-line argument =--charset= (=-c=)
** Contributing :noexport:
*** Prerequisites
You need [[https://github.com/cask/cask][Cask]] installed (see [[http://cask.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/installation.html][docs]]).
*** Setup
Clone the repository:
#+begin_src bash $ git clone git@github.com:smaximov/org-commentary.git #+end_src
Install dependencies:
#+begin_src bash $ make dep-install #+end_src
*** Preparing a pull request
Make sure all tests pass:
#+begin_src bash $ make test #+end_src
Update package's commentary header if you have made changes to [[file:README.org][README.org]] (do not edit it by hand!):
#+begin_src bash $ make update-headers #+end_src
Commit final changes and create a pull request, describing briefly what it does.
** Similar projects
- [[https://github.com/cute-jumper/org2elcomment][org2elcomment]] - provides an interactive function to update the commentary section of an Emacs Lisp file using the contents of an Org file opened in the current buffer.
- [[https://github.com/mgalgs/make-readme-markdown][make-readme-markdown]] - in contrast to =org-commentary=, this package treats an Emacs Lisp file as the canonical source of documentation. That file is used to generate =README= in the Markdown format. The package provides additional features like auto-detected badges and API documentation of public functions.
** License :noexport:
This program is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3 or any later version. See [[file:COPYING][COPYING]] for details.