Blog post for showing how to create a pivot table and stacked bar visualization of airline market share.
The T-100 Market (All Carriers) dataset comes from the United States Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics and contains monthly-aggregated statistics on carriers operating a variety of flight types, including both passenger and freight.
Stefanie Molin (@stefmolin) is a software engineer and data scientist at Bloomberg in New York City, where she tackles tough problems in information security, particularly those revolving around data wrangling/visualization, building tools for gathering data, and knowledge sharing. She is also the author of Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas, which is currently in its second edition and has been translated into Korean. She holds a bachelor’s of science degree in operations research from Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, as well as a master’s degree in computer science, with a specialization in machine learning, from Georgia Tech. In her free time, she enjoys traveling the world, inventing new recipes, and learning new languages spoken among both people and computers.