LG Washer / Dryer Card by @steveworkman
A custom card for Home Assistant to display the status of an LG Washer or Dryer. This card is insipired by phrz/lg-washer-dryer-card/.
This is a card that displays the status of an LG Washer or Dryer. It is designed to be used with the LG ThinQ integration. The original design for this card used the existing picture-elements card, but I wanted to create a card that was more reusable and easier to configure, and could be insalled via HACS.
Plus, I love Lit, and this is kinda fun.
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
type | string | Required | custom:boilerplate-card |
name | string | Optional | Card name | Boilerplate |
show_error | boolean | Optional | Show what an error looks like for the card | false |
show_warning | boolean | Optional | Show what a warning looks like for the card | false |
entity | string | Optional | Home Assistant entity ID. | none |
tap_action | object | Optional | Action to take on tap | action: more-info |
hold_action | object | Optional | Action to take on hold | none |
double_tap_action | object | Optional | Action to take on double tap | none |