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The README file for this repository.

Collection of scripts and other resources to install tools on centos.


Here is the order I would suggest going in if you want to install all these packages:

  • java/ sets up a basic java dev environment, and sets up needed environment varialbes (via /etc/profile.d, so that other users will also have correct variables by default).
  • java/ installs maven to /usr/local and sets up the proper environment variables.
  • java/ installs ant to /usr/local and sets up the proper environment variables.
  • you may need to run this before installing thrift, if your system has a bunch of old automakes sitting around.
  • installs thrift. You need to have the environments for the target languages (e.g. python, java, node) already prepared before you do this. If it gives errors regarding go, do not worry too much. You need to fix those errors to generate go code, but it does not affect the other languages. It will not install a C++ thrift generator unless you have an up-to-date boost library, which might be a struggle.
  • is pretty much orthogonal to everything else. If you think you might need interactive plots and you are willing to learn R, this might be a good choice.