Welcome to the Tobacco Patents, based on the Symfony Standard Edition (downloaded, not forked).
- Goal: Convert a simple database using both Doctrine and Propel
This recipe shows the steps to convert a simple database to a Symfony2+Doctrine project. Another recipe shows how to do this with Propel. It starts with the Symfony Standard distro:
cd /usr/sites/sf
git clone http://github.com/symfony/symfony-standard.git patents
cd patents
rm -rf .git
- Dependencies and Installation
There are no additional bundles or dependencies in this recipe. Copy parameters.ini.dist in /app/config to parameters.ini, and set up the database.
php bin/vendors install
Add the following to your httpd.conf file (or however you set up sites in Apache)
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName patents
ServerAlias patents.survoscookbook.com
ServerAlias patents.localsite.us
DocumentRoot /usr/sites/sf/patents/web
Restart Apache
Congratulations! You're now ready to use Symfony. If you've unzipped Symfony in the web root of your computer, then you should be able to access the web version of the Symfony requirements check via:
If everything looks good, click the "Bypass configuration and go to the Welcome page" link to load up your first Symfony page.
You can also use a web-based configurator by clicking on the "Configure your
Symfony Application online" link of the config.php
To see a real-live Symfony page in action, access the following page:
- Create the patents bundle
- php app/console bundle:generate --namespace=Survos/PatentsBundle
- Create the Entities (Doctrine)
- php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert yml ./src/Tobacco/PatentsBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata/orm --from-database --force
- php app/console doctrine:mapping:import TobaccoPatentsBundle annotation
- php app/console doctrine:generate:entities TobaccoPatentsBundle
- Associate the Entity with a repository by adding @ORM\Entity to
* Tobacco\PatentsBundle\Entity\Patent
* @ORM\Table(name="patent")
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Tobacco\PatentsBundle\Entity\Repository\PatentRepository")
Create the Controllers and Views
Create the Propel Schema from the current database
- php app/console propel:reverse
Now fix the 'abstract' problem (reserved word) and copy generated_schema.xml to the bundle /Resources/config/schema.xml. Add the namespace:
<!-- app/src/Tobacco/PatentsBundle/Resource/config/schema.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<database name="default" namespace="Tobacco\PatentsBundle\Model" defaultIdMethod="native">
and generate the Model:
- php app/console propel:build