This repository contains Matlab (R2021a) codes to reproduce the experiments in "Robust Generalised Bayesian Inference for Intractable Likelihoods".
The main function is KSD_Bayes, which performs conjugate inference for exponential family models using KSD-Bayes.
There are four main applications considered in the paper:
- A Gaussian location model,
- a two-dimensional scale parameter estimation problem due to Liu et al,
- density estimation using a kernel exponential family model,
- an exponential graphical model, and
Results for each application can be reproduced by running the files reproduce_[X].m, where [X] = Gauss, Liu, KEF, EGM.
In addition, there is one more supplementary application:
- A Ising model (this application is implemented by Pytorch).
A Result for this application can be reproduced by running *.py files with a setting contain in *.sh files.
The "utilities" folder contains routines for regularised covariance estimation, from the "RegularizedSCM" toolbox. See:
Esa Ollila and Elias Raninen, "Matlab RegularizedSCM Toolbox Version 1.11 Available online:, August 2021.
Esa Ollila and Elias Raninen, "Optimal shrinkage covariance matrix estimation under random sampling from elliptical distributions," arXiv:1808.10188 [stat.ME].