This python script can use some small pictures to stimulate a big picture.
I am not used to editing readme, so , just look at the example.
First of all, you need some small pictures which have same sizes. For example, 5050 piexls. Then, you need a high definition picture. For example, 50003000 piexls. The more clear, the better. Then, you should have python3.6 and many required packages. If you are using Anaconda3, that is enough.
Ops, it seems like that I cannot add a picture to a So, you can just clone this repository, and the low definition pictures are in /src_50. The high definition picture is des.jpg. After run the, you get 'liutao_colored.jpg' and 'liutao_gray.jpg'. By the way, Liu Tao is a famous Chinese actress and she is my idol.