

11 stars
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2 issues


List of commits on branch master.

Update for changes through 3.12

tthatch committed 7 months ago

Add fstring oddities

tthatch committed 4 years ago

Add simple int examples

tthatch committed 4 years ago

More print statement tests

tthatch committed 4 years ago

Allow filtering tests

tthatch committed 4 years ago

Add more tests

tthatch committed 5 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Here's a high-level log of grammar changes by version, with the most effort sppent analyzing 3.6 and before. (The release listed is from tags on master, and probably doesn't take into account backports where the commit id is different.)

Release Commit Feature With __future__
v3.11.0 d60457a6 PEP 654 except* groups
v3.11.0 e8e737bc PEP 646 variadic generics
v3.10.0 145bf269 PEP 622/634 match statements
v3.9.0 0daba822 parenthesized context manager change
v3.8.0 b5e3ea28 + a965db37 PEP 570 positional-only params
v3.8.0 8f59ee01 PEP 572 :=
v3.7.0 - - annotations (on in 4.0)
v3.7.0 ac317700 PEP 492 async/await become keywords
v3.6.0 a721abac PEP 515 underscores in numeric literals
v3.6.0 52c4e7cc PEP 530 async for comprehensions
v3.6.0 f8cb8a16 (2016) PEP 526 foo: int annotations
v3.6.0* 235a6f09 PEP 498 f-strings
v3.6.0* df395991 def f(a,) trailing commas
v3.5.0 - - generator_stop (on in 3.7)
v3.5.0 14acf5f4 f(*a if b else c) fix
v3.5.0 de12b79c f(**a if b else c) fix
v3.5.0 7544508f PEP 492 async def, for, with
v3.5.0 025e9ebd PEP 448 {**x} ??
v3.5.0 d51374ed (2014) PEP 465 a @ b and a @= b matrix multiply
v3.3.0* 1f7ce62b PEP 380 yield from
v3.3.0* 6ecf77b3 PEP 414 u-prefix strings are back
3.1* 1c50d117 (2010) refactor argslist, a no-op?
3.1* 4905e80c Fix ambiguity in unpacking
3.1* 0c31562a with can have multiple
3.1* e3944a5e PEP 401 <> operator barry_as_FLUFL
v3.0* 2d735bc0 Allow keywords after *args
v3.0* 828f04ac 3-arg raise becomes raise ... from
v3.0* 992d4a3e PEP 274 {k: v for ... } dict comprehensions
v3.0* e7ba4956 True, False, None are now keywords
v3.0* d59da4b4 class decorators
v3.0* 1bc535dc No tuple unpacking in args
v3.0* 0368b726 extended iterable unpacking
v3.0* 650f0d06 lambda/for ambiguity removal
v3.0* e66c8c7c bugfix from ... import (with 3 .)
v3.0* dde00289 (2007) ... is a token
v3.0* 52cc1d83 Metaclass changeover
v3.0* 81e9502d nonlocal x
v3.0* 452bf519 print statement removal
v3.0* b940e113 + 16be03e4 except ... as x
v3.0* c150536b PEP 3107 py3 type hints
v3.0* 4f72a786 (2006) PEP 3102 kwonly args
v3.0* 52318d62 ... is a token
v3.0* 7cae87ca exec statement removal
v3.0* 86e58e23 set literals
v3.0* cf588f64 backticks removal
v3.0* b053cd8f <> operator removal
v3.0* 477c8d5e from .. for parent relative imports
v3.0* 49fd7fa4 (2006) change to if-conditions I don't understand
v2.7* 45aecf45 as and with become keywords
v2.6 - - print_function (on in 3)
v2.6 - - unicode_literals (on in 3)
v2.5 8ae1295c as and with are optionally keywords
v2.5 f7f438ba PEP 328 relative/absolute imports absolute_import (on in 3)
v2.5 c2e20744 with statements with_statement (on in 2.6)
v2.5 dca3b9c7 + d074beb6 lambda/for ambiguity
v2.5 f599f424 PEP 341 try/except and try/finally unification
v2.5 37c0844b (2005) require parens on kwarg generators
v2.5 0d6615fd PEP 342 adds yield expr
v2.5 409d8f2e class F() ok now
v2.4 1a4ddaec multi-line import tuple
v2.4 0ccff074 Require newlines between decorators
v2.4 c2a5a636 PEP 318 (decorators)
v2.4 354433a5 PEP 289 (generator expressions)
v2.3 00f1e3f5 PEP 263 (source encoding)
v2.3 2d3b9864 change to backtick that ends with comma
v2.3 84ee323c (2002) disambiguate power-of-power
v2.2 1c917072 (2001) ban a list comprehension trailing comma
v2.2 4668b000 // for floordiv division (on in 3)
v2.2 5ca576ed yield statement generators (on in 2.3)
v2.1 - - nested_scopes (on in 2.2)
v2.0 434d0828 **= and friends
v2.0 46dfa5f4 [1 if x] is not a list comprehension
v2.0 0360663e (2000) print >>file, x and trailing comma
v2.0 803d6e54 list comprehensions
v2.0 7690151c "extended call syntax" f(*args, **kwargs)
v2.0 d295f120 no-args raise
v2.0 03a7466b + 556440d2 assert statement
v2.0 0dfcf753 access statement removal
v2.0 14f44516 slice syntax changes
v2.0 0bfd6c33 add power operator
v2.0 a996b910 3-arg raise, and more
v2.0 4a1da268 import a.b
v2.0 248a50c1 implicit concatenation, try/except/else, default values in args
v2.0 57531fea + 590baa4a + 12d12c5f lambdas
v2.0 db3165e6 add exec statement
v2.0 b3f7258f + 25831652 access statement addition, something about class header
v2.0 02334d2b varargs uses *
v2.0 af82141b looks like try/except/finally becomes try/except and try/finally
v2.0 e785fbcf allow newline at end of eval
v2.0 610cdc52 varargs uses * or +
v2.0 526e9096 varargs uses +
v2.0 09cea474 + 6cf1273f evidently = used to work for comparison
v2.0 68fc3497 global statement, "new" class syntax with bases in parens
v2.0 9eb4f535 + a76fb5b6 lots of operators
v2.0 56f78377 semicolons, continue, dict literals, and more
v2.0 4dae2167 remove dir statement?
v2.0 85a5fbbd initial commit in current location

* These commits are present in old tags according to git, but the released binaries do not appear to recognize them.

Code samples

These are found in the examples/ directory listed by the version they are "first" added. Some are backported. This could be cleaned up, and entries removed from this README if someone is interested and has time.

If you get python 2.3 through 3.8 installed on your PATH, you can check an installed LibCST against the changes that result in syntax errors.

$ python
                                          23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
examples/       X  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o
examples/      O  O  o  O  O  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
examples/      X  X  .  X  X  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o
examples/      X  X  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o