= Randomizr
Returns one random Active Record object using cross-platform ANSI compliant SQL.
We have all used order by rand() to select a random record from time to time. We know we shouldn't, but it was just too easy. Well no more. NO MORE. It's now +easier+ to do it properly by just using this gem. That's right. It will solve all your ansi-sql troubles and put that smile back on your face.
== Prerequisites
Active Record, of course. Any version 2 or 3 will do.
== Installation
config.gem 'randomizr'
or in your Gemfile:
gem 'randomizr'
I told you installation would be easy.
== Examples
Comment.randomizr # => look ma, a random comment!
Copyright (c) 2011 Joost Baaij, released under the MIT license