This Certificate System is open-source software.
Please comply with the LICENSE contained in each of the individual components, and the EXPORT CONTROL regulations defined at:
These directories contain the following:
CMakeLists.txt COPYING CPackConfig.cmake ConfigureChecks.cmake DefineOptions.cmake config.h.cmake cmake/ - These files and this directory contain the top-level files necessary to integrate the CMake build system in pki.
README - This file.
base/ - Contains most of the base source code
needed to build this project. Note that
this directory does NOT contain
implementation specific user-interface
components required to build a working
Certificate System.
dogtag/ - Contains the scripts and user-interface
components necessary to build a sample
working "Dogtag Certificate System".
The scripts in this directory leverage
the base source code located in the
"base/" directory, and are known to
work on both 32-bit and 64-bit
"Fedora" operating systems. Users
who wish to experiment with this project
should focus on this directory first.
patches/ - Contains "patches" needed for specific
versions of this certificate system.
scripts/ - Contains "scripts" used by this
certificate system. This directory
contains numerous "compose" scripts
useful for building RPMS/SRPMS of the
various certificate system components.
specs/ - Contains RPM spec files used for
building RPMS/SRPMS of the various
certificate system components.
tools/ - Contains utilities useful to
certificate system components.
Detailed instructions for building, installing, and running this project are located at: