feeds2fb2 converts RSS feeds (extracted from OPML file or simple text file with list inside) into FB2 book or books. FB2 books can be easily viewed on e-book readers: PocketBook, LBook V3 (Hanlin V3), etc.
feeds2fb2 converter has a few options - images in posts can be enabled/disabled, output file can be zipped or not, etc.
feeds2fb2 is not in development anymore because I don't have time for it.
if you want to commit fixes, please do a pull request. If you need some specific tuning, you can ping me by emai: sergey@polzunov.com
$ feeds2fb2.py -t FILETYPE [options] FILE_TO_PARSE OUTPUT_NAME
-t FILETYPE - here filetype is opml (OPML file) or text (simple text file with URLs to RSS feeds one at line)
Optional settings:
--title FB2BOOK_TITLE - here you can specify the result fb2 book title.
--enable-pics - enables images convertation into fb2-formated embedded images.
--book-per-feed - enables fb2 book per feed mode. Every feed is created as a separate fb2 file.
--disable-zip - disables zip packing of the result fb2 file/files (enabled by default).
--get-all-posts - set this option if you want to get all RSS posts (not just the latest).
FILE_TO_PARSE - the name of an input file (opml or simple text file).
OUTPUT_NAME 1. in "book-per-feed" mode books with feeds are placed into the directory with the name of OUTPUT_NAME.
By default OUTPUT_NAME is a current directory.
2. in default mode it is a name of the result fb2 book file without "fb2" extension
example 0. Converting simple text file with 1 url inside. Result file name is "result.fb2"
$ ./feeds2fb2.py -t text ./text-example.txt result.fb2
[ http://googlerussiablog.blogspot.com/atom.xml ] Google Russia
Converting HTML tags for feed... done
example 1. Converting OPML file in book-per-feed mode. There are no labels/tags in OPML file
$ ./feeds2fb2.py -t opml --book-per-feed ./opml-example.xml
processing label "Unlabeled"
[ http://www.the-ebook.org/e107/e107_files/backend/news.xml ] The-eBook Russia
[ http://out.com.ua/blog/feed/ ] Thoughts Thru Oxygen
[ http://2read.ru/feed/ ] Blog "Tech book"
[ http://www.habrahabr.ru/rss/main/ ] Habrahabr
Converting HTML tags for feed... done
Converting HTML tags for feed... done
Converting HTML tags for feed... done
Converting HTML tags for feed... done
example 2. Converting text file with URLs inside info fb2 book with images titled "My Feeds"
$ ./feeds2fb2.py -t text --enable-pics --title="My Feeds" ./text-example2.txt result.fb2
[ http://bash.org.ru/rss ] Bash.Org.Ru
[ http://googlerussiablog.blogspot.com/atom.xml ] Google Russia
[ http://www.the-ebook.org/e107/e107_files/backend/news.xml ] The-eBook Russia
Converting HTML tags for feed... done
Getting image from http://www.the-ebook.org/files/ifb2lrfsmallos1.png
Getting image from http://bp1.blogger.com/_r6mLyAa9wE0/Rg_yCaIHPOI/AAAAAAAAAAk/FdjlItZqSwU/s320/71410563_ed1502fcaf_m.jpg
Getting image from http://www.google.ru/ig/modules/eyes-thm.png
Getting image from http://lh3.google.com/image/aldanur/RjMHtt2ubmE/AAAAAAAAHkg/ZLANKz8LsNE/s160-c/Google.jpg
Getting image from http://images2.photomania.com/230558/1/radB0709.jpg ERROR: cannot get image content
Getting image from http://www.google.ru/ig/cache/6e/e9/6ee956913425c59002ec526bdf62f9dc-thm.png
- Dirty HTML (text with unclosed/unopened tags) sanitization has been added.
- Bug-fixes and hacks. Due to LBook/Hanling Fb2 plugin restrictions there are no way to present some HTML text blocks in good-looking form in fb2 format for LBook/Hanlin V3. So we are waiting for css-in-book support and special chars/symbols support.
Timestamps are added. The feed's last update time is saved in config file "feed2fb2.timestamp". Next time you run the script you will get only new posts. You can get all the posts with
as well -
Output name. The output parameter's behavior was changed - it is now a result file name by default OR name of the directory where all books will be placed in
mode - ZIP archive support added. By default all result files are zipped
Images in posts. By default images in posts are disabled so if you want to convert images from <img> from your feeds to fb2 book you should set the
flag -
Book-per-feed mode. It is an optional mode. Every book title consist of a label (if input data is an OPML file with labels) and a feed title. You can enable this mode with the
flag - .sh and .bat scripts for easy Google Reader OPML to FB2 book convertation are added
- 2 types of input data. OPML file or a simple text file with feedURL-per-line style
Optional customised book title. You can specify your custom book title with