This library is a collection of Scalaz 7 type class instances for various classes from other Scala and Java libraries.
It doesn't aim for comprehensiveness, and is likely to remain a grab bag of things that the author (Travis Brown) finds useful.
The following are a few of the libraries that will be represented initially:
See this Stack Overflow question by the author for more background.
The org.instancez.shapeless
package contains the following instances:
s (when they're made up of monoids) -
for things that are isomorphic toHList
(most relevantly case classes)
First for imports and set up:
import org.instancez.shapeless._
import scalaz._, std.list._, std.option._, std.string._, syntax.monoid._
case class Foo(name: Option[String], things: List[Int])
implicit val fooIso = shapeless.Iso.hlist(Foo.apply _, Foo.unapply _)
And now we have a monoid instance for Foo
scala> val a = Foo(Some("bar"), 1 :: Nil)
a: Foo = Foo(Some(bar),List(1))
scala> val b = Foo(Some("baz"), 2 :: 3 :: Nil)
b: Foo = Foo(Some(baz),List(2, 3))
scala> a |+| b
res0: Foo = Foo(Some(barbaz),List(1, 2, 3))
We can of course change the behavior of the monoid instance for the case class
by changing the monoid instances for the types of its members. For example, if
we want to use the monoid as a kind of update operation for the name
we can put the "last" monoid instance for Option
into scope.
implicit def lastOptionMonoid[A] = new Monoid[Option[A]] {
def zero = None
def append(x: Option[A], y: => Option[A]) = y orElse x
Now we can "replace" the name
value in a Foo
by adding another Foo
a Some
for its name (while a None
leaves it unchanged):
scala> a |+| Foo(Some("baz"), Nil)
res1: Foo = Foo(Some(baz),List(1))
scala> a |+| Foo(None, Nil)
res2: Foo = Foo(Some(bar),List(1))
It might be better just to make name
a LastOption
in this case, though.
The org.instancez.lift
package contains the following instances:
is essentially part of the way between an Option
and an Either
, and
a lot of the machinery that Scalaz provides for these types is useful for
as well.
The package also includes full
and empty
methods, on the model of Scalaz's
and none
Imports again:
import net.liftweb.common.{ Box, Full }
import org.instancez.lift._
import scalaz._, std.list._, syntax.traverse._
And now we've got a monad for Box
, which means we also have an applicative
functor for Box
, which means we can sequence a list of boxes:
scala> val boxen: List[Box[Int]] = Full(1) :: Full(2) :: Full(3) :: Nil
boxen: List[net.liftweb.common.Box[Int]] = List(Full(1), Full(2), Full(3))
scala> boxen.sequence
res0: net.liftweb.common.Box[List[Int]] = Full(List(1, 2, 3))
Or, more concisely with full
scala> List(full(1), full(2), full(3)).sequence
res1: net.liftweb.common.Box[List[Int]] = Full(List(1, 2, 3))
This won't compile if we use Full
, since the inferred type of the list
would be List[Full[Int]]
, and we of course don't have a monad for Full
The org.instancez.dispatch
package contains the following instances:
The monad instance isn't necessarily terribly useful on its own, but it
allows us for example to use Scalaz's EitherT
monad transformer to work with
things of type Promise[Either[Throwable, A]]
(a common idiom) monadically.
Suppose we've got a Promise
representing something like some JSON containing
an OAuth token:
import dispatch._
val tokenJson: Promise[String] = Promise("""
{ "access_token": "61a6efeaf1423aefefb3696dfaf684eb" }
This is a simplified example—in real life this would of course come from the Internet.
Now we want to parse this and grab the token itself. I'm using the standard
library JSON parser here only for the sake of having a more convenient complete
working example—I know it's hideous. All that really matters here is the type
of token
import org.instancez.dispatch._
import scala.util.parsing.json.JSON.parseFull
import scalaz._
type EitherPromise[A] = EitherT[Promise, Throwable, A]
val tokenP: EitherPromise[String] = EitherT.fromEither(
_.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]].get("access_token")
new RuntimeException("Invalid JSON response.")
Now we want to use this token to construct a new request and end up with another promise of the same type:
val resultP: EitherPromise[String] = tokenP.flatMap { token =>
val stuff = url("") <:< Map(
"Authorization" -> ("Bearer " + token)
EitherT.fromEither(Http(stuff OK as.String).either)
We could go on and parse or otherwise process the response inside the
monad, but for this example I'll stop here. match {
case Right(content) => println("Success! " + content)
case Left(StatusCode(404)) => println("Not found!")
case Left(e) => println("Something went wrong! " + e)