

1 stars
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List of commits on branch main.


ttrigaten committed 3 years ago

added all-trans-model to main

ggkroiz committed 3 years ago

updates from multi-gpu regarding commenting, functionality changes using utilities file

ggkroiz committed 3 years ago

append "

ttrigaten committed 3 years ago

Delete .gitkeep

jjananth2 committed 3 years ago

Add files via upload

jjananth2 committed 3 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Challenge 3 submission for smc data challenge

Please follow the steps below to use this repository.

  • Step 1 goes over what to install and how to preprocess the data before using the model.
  • Step 2 goes over training your own models using the provided data augmentation techniques.
  • Step 3 goes over creating predictions and runing evaluations.

Both Step 2 and 3 are located within the model directory.

Step 1:

Step 1.1: Install conda environment dependencies

Here is a list of the dependencies for the conda environment. At the moment, this code only runs in a GPU environment with CUDA.

  • torchvision
  • pytorch
  • torchaudio
  • cudatoolkit
  • matplotlib
  • tqdm
  • requests
  • scikit-image
  • python version 3.8.10 or less
  • opencv

Step 1.2: Remove corrupt images from the dataset

The following images are corrupt: SMC21_GM_AV/CloudyNoon/images/00000086.png SMC21_GM_AV/HardRainNoon/images/00000029.png

Remove them and their segmentations by running the bash script:

  1. First chmod it: chmod +x
  2. Then run ./

Step 1.3: Remove classifications with more than one RGB representation

Most segmaps are not entirely helpful due to the project specificiations. Run to fix this: python

Step 2 (optional): Creating your own models

If you want to use one of the provided models, skip the remainder of Step 2 and go to Step 3.1.

Step 2.1: Apply style transforms

Please refer to the report for more information on style transforms. As of now, the style transforms take a long period of time. As such, this data augmentation techniques is done beforehand and the styled images are saved. To apply the style transforms, switch branch to styled-image-gen. Once you checkout the branch, run the following:

python3 ROOTDIR

where ROOTDIR is the location of the data. The styled images will be saved in a new directory styled under ROOTDIR.

Step 2.2: Run the model

The remaining two data augmentation techniques can be computed at runtime. To train the model, switch to the main branch and go to model. Before running any scripts, fill out the main.json file. Within main.json:

  • rootdir: the location of the data (string).
  • saved_model_loc: the location of where to save the model (string). THIS MUST END IN '.pt'.
  • checkpoint_loc: the location of where to save the checkpoints (string). THIS MUST END IN '.pt'.
  • num_epochs: the total number of epochs to run the training data through the model (int).
  • batch_size: the size of each batch of data (int).

Once these values are filled in, run with some version of the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={GPU_IDS} python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node={NUM_GPUS} 1> out.txt 2> err.txt &

GPU_IDS is a list of the process IDs for the GPUs. For example if there are 8 GPUs available, the IDs will be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. If you want to use 4 GPUs, fill GPU_IDS with 0,1,2,3, where you are using the GPUs with IDs 0,1,2, and 3. For running on small GPU Clusters, NUM_GPUS is an integer of the total number of GPUs you want to use. Any errors will show in err.txt and the general output from the script will show in out.txt. When running this, be careful of your batch size, as you can easily overload memory.

Step 3: Creating predictions

This step can be completed with or without Step 2. If you did not run Step 2, please use one of the models in pre-trained-models as your model. There are three pre-trained models.

  1. is the model trained with no data augmentation techniques.
  2. is the model trained with only the traditional augmentation techniques.
  3. is the model trained with all data augmentation techniques (traidtional, overlay, and style).

Please refer to the technical report for more information about the different data augmnetation techniques and the different models provided.

Step 3.1: Run the predictions

To create the predictions from the trained models, first fill in the predict.json file. Within predict.json:

  • rootdir: location of the prediction data (string).
  • resultsdir: location of where the results (predictions versus ground truth) will be saved (string).
  • saved_model_loc: location of the model to use for creating predictions

Once these values are filled in, run with some version of the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={GPU_IDS} python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node={NUM_GPUS} 1> out.txt 2> err.txt &

There is not much need to run this on more than one GPU since will only run through the data once.

Step 3.2: Run the evaluation

After Step 3.1, the evaluation (provided by the challenge hosts), can be executed by the following:

python {RESULTSDIR}, where RESULTSDIR is the string location path of the results directory.


All of our results were computed via small GPU computer clusters provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. If you have any questions are concerns, please reach out to any of us via the following emails:,,, or