Requires Python 2.7 with Numpy
- Download and build "kristofe"'s fork of MantaFlow: Remember to build with the flag "-DGUI=ON". Build instructions can be found at MantaFlow's official page:
- Place "" in the folder "/manta/scenes/"
- Create a folder "voxels" at the same folder level as MantaFlows main folder "manta".
- Place "R1_64.binvox" in the folder "voxels"
- cd into "/manta/build" and run "./manta ../scenes/"
- In the scene file, front, side and floor inflows can be turned on or off individually by changing the boolean variables "addFront", "addSides", "addChairs" at the top of the file.
- When running the simulation, particles can be shown or hidden with the shortcut "Alt-b" which is useful to reveal the velocity field. Further shortcuts can be found by clicking the button marked "?".