The script that access the Redmine server in the private environment, detects ticket updates, and notifies Slack.
In the workplace where I work, I use Redmine built in a private environment for sharing information between stakeholders.
I wanted to share the update of Redmine Issue and its contents to Slack used by the development team,
Since Redmine server can only be accessed in a private environment, Slack's RSS Integration could not be used.
So, I thought about creating a Python script that runs on the PC (Raspberry PI) that was left behind in development, and notified Redmine of updates via the script.
- Python3.6 or more
pip install -r requirements.txt
mv .env.sample .env
vi .env
URL=https:/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/issues.csv # Endpoint that download issues.csv on your redmine server(!Check filter and must sort by updated DESC)
WEB_HOOK_URL_DAILY= # Incoming WEBHOOK for Daily notify
WEB_HOOK_URL_EACH= # Incoming WEBHOOK notify when detecting updating
LOOP_INTERVAL=1 # Loop interval for detecting redmines updating
DAILY_HOUR=9 # Daily notify hours
DAILY_MINUTES=10 # Daily notify minutes (this examples sets 9:10)
- First, Open Chrome developer tool(Push F12)
- Second, Show your project and disabled all filter and also sort updated descending order
- Click exporting other format CSV
- Choose the berow and click export
- selected columns
- check description, latest note
- Encoding UTF-8
- Watch developer tool network tab and check downloading issues.csv
- select Copy link address, this is your issues.csv download URL!
cd src
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.