This is the implementation of the RWA method for domain adaptation, plus accompanying code to test it on a variety of datasets.
The method itself is implemented in src/rwa/predict_rwa.m
addpath src/rwa
addpath src/evaluation
data = load_dataset('amazon');
% Predict labels of 'dvd' target domain using 'books' as source
% Preprocess data: divide by standard deviation over both domains
[x_src, x_tgt] = preprocess(data.x{1}, data.y{1}, data.x{2}, 'joint-std');
y = predict_rwa(x_src, data.y{1}, x_tgt);
mean(y == data.y{2})
The method requires that the MATLAB/octave bindings for liblinear are installed. These can be downloaded from
As a starting point for the experiments, look at src/evaluation/run_methods.m
If you use this code, please cite
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Random Walks on Target Labelings
Twan van Laarhoven, Elena Marchiori
Additional information can be found at The datasets used in the experiments can also be downloaded there.
The comparison methods can be downloaded from:
- GFK:
- Domain adaptation toolbox:
- Coral: included in the source code
- Subspace Alignment: included in the source code
The RWA method and evaluation code is provided under the MIT license (see file LICENSE). The comparison methods may be subject to other licenses.