A discord bot for visualizing snitch events from Civ servers. Written for CivMC. Uses SnitchVis to render the videos.
Invite: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=999808708131426434&permissions=0&scope=bot
Command | Description |
.render | Renders snitch events to a video. Provides options to adjust render look and feel, events included, duration, quality, etc. |
.add-channel | Adds a snitch channel, viewable by the specified roles. |
.remove-channel | Removes a snitch channel(s) from the list of snitch channels. |
.list-channels | Lists the current snitch channels and what roles can view them. |
.set-livemap-channel | Sets the channel to upload an always-up-to-date snitch events image to. A new image is uploaded whenever there are new snitch events. |
.create-command | Create a custom command, which can call other commands and pass arguments. |
.commands | View all custom commands for this server. |
.import-snitches | Imports snitches from a SnitchMod database. |
.add-kira-config | Adds a kira config to the list of known formats. |
.events | Lists the most recent events for the specified snitch or snitches. |
.permissions | Lists what snitch channels you have permission to render events from. |
.index | Indexes messages in the current snitch channels. |
.full-reindex | Drops all currently indexed snitches and re-indexes from scratch. |
snitchvissetprefix | Sets a new prefix for snitchvis. The default prefix is . . |
.tutorial | Walks you through an initial setup of snitchvis. |
.help | Displays available commands. |
Renders snitch events to a video. Provides options to adjust render look and feel, events included, duration, quality, etc.
.render --past 1d
.render --past 1w1d2h --user gregy165
.render --start 07/18/2022
(end and start default to current time if not specified) .render --start 07/18/2022 --end 07/29/2022
.render --size 1200 --duration 30 --fps 30
(high quality, long render)
Argument | Description |
-a/--all-snitches | If passed, all known snitches will be rendered, not just the snitches pinged by the relevant events. Warning: this can result in very small or unreadable event fields. |
-s/--size | The resolution of the render, in pixels. Defaults to 700. Decrease if you want faster renders, increase if you want higher quality renders. |
-f/--fps | The frames per second of the render. Defaults to 20. Decrease if you want faster renders, increase if you want smoother renders. |
-d/--duration | The duration of the render, in seconds. If you want to take a slower, more careful look at events, specify a higher value. If you just want a quick glance, specify a lower value. Higher values take longer to render. |
-u/--users | If passed, only events by these users will be rendered. |
-g/--groups | If passed, only events from snitches on these namelayer groups will be rendered. |
-p/--past | How far in the past to look for events. Specify in human-readable form, ie -p 1y2mo5w2d3h5m2s ("1 year 2 months 5 weeks 2 days 3 hours 5 minutes 2 seconds ago"), or any combination thereof, ie -p 1h30m ("1 hour 30 minutes ago"). Use the special value "all" to visualize all events. |
--start | The start date of events to include. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy , eg 7/18/2022 or 12/31/21. If --start is passed but not --end, all events after the passed start date will be rendered. |
--end | The end date of events to include. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy , eg 7/18/2022 or 12/31/21. If --end is passed but not --start, all events before the passed end date will be rendered. |
--fade | How many seconds events will remain on screen for. Fade is limited to a minimum of 0.5s. Defaults to 1.5s. |
-b/--bounds | Sets what area of the world will be visualized. This will override the automatic detection, which tries to include all events without making the area too large. Format is -b/--bounds x1 z1 x2 z2 , where (x1, z1) is the bottom left corner and ``(x2, z2)` is the top right corner of the desired area. |
-m/--mode | One of heatmap , line , or box . What mode to render in. The heatmap mode (-m/--mode heatmap ) renders an aggregate heatmap of events instead of drawing individual users. The line mode (-m/--mode line ) draws lines between snitch events instead of the default boxes around individual snitch events. This option is experimental and may not look good. Defaults to box. |
-hp/--heatmap-percentage | What percentage of the video duration the heatmap should look backwards for events for. For instance, with -hp 30 the render will only consider events in the most recent 30% of the video when rendering the heatmap. With -hp 100 , the heatmap will be static for the entire video (because it always considers all of the events). Defaults to 20. |
-hs/--heatmap-scale | What scale to use for the heatmap colors. One of linear or weighted . Defaults to linear. In linear mode, heatmap brightness scale linearly with the number of hits. In weighted mode, snitches with a low number of hits are made more visible. This can help if you have a few very high frequency snitches. |
--export | Export the events matching the specified criteria to either an sql database, or an .svis file (for use in the Snitch Vis desktop application). Pass --export sql for the former and --export svis for the latter. |
Adds a snitch channel, viewable by the specified roles.
.add-channel #snitches-citizens citizens
.add-channel #snitches-government "lieutenant governor" governor
Name | Description |
channel | The channel to add. Use a proper channel mention (eg #snitches) to specify a channel. |
Argument | Description |
-r/--roles | The roles which will be able to render events from this channel. Use the name of the role (don't ping the role). Use the name everyone to grant all users access to render the snitches. |
Removes a snitch channel(s) from the list of snitch channels.
Example: .remove-channel #snitches-citizens
Name | Description |
channels | The channels to remove. Use a proper channel mention (eg #snitches) to specify a channel. |
Lists the current snitch channels and what roles can view them.
Example: .list-channels
Takes no arguments.
Sets the channel to upload an always-up-to-date snitch events image to. A new image is uploaded whenever there are new snitch events.
Example: .set-livemap-channel #livemap
Name | Description |
channel | What channel to upload the livemap to. |
Create a custom command, which can call other commands and pass arguments.
For instance, if you wanted to have a render command which always created a high quality render, you might do .create-command rhq render --size 1200 --fps 30
. Now, whenever you type .rhq
, it will be as if you had typed .render --size 1200 --fps 30
. You can also pass additional arguments to your custom command like .rhq --fade 3
, which will become .render --size 1200 --fade 3
You can call any existing command and can specify any arguments you want in your custom command. Custom commands cannot call other custom commands, only existing base commands.
.create-command rhq render --size 1200 --fps 30
.create-command render render -d 30
(can create custom commands with the same name as existing commands. This makes all renders 30 seconds long) -
.create-command h help
(I don't know why you would do this, but you can) -
.create-command city render --bounds 1700 650 2000 300
(shorthand command to render a specific area, now you just have to type.city
Name | Description |
command | The name to use to run this new command. Don't include the bot prefix (which is . by default). |
command_text | This text will be run when you run this custom command, as if you had run it yourself. You can reference existing commands and pass arguments as usual. |
View all custom commands for this server.
Example: .commands
Takes no arguments.
Imports snitches from a SnitchMod database.
You will likely have to use this command multiple times on the same database if you have a tiered hierarchy of snitch groups; for instance, you might run .import-snitches -g mta-citizens mta-shops -r citizen
to import snitches citizens can render, and then .import-snitches -g mta-cabinet -r cabinet
to import snitches only cabinet members can render.
Example: .import-snitches -g mta-citizens mta-shops -r citizen
(include a snitchvis database file upload in the same message)
Argument | Description |
-g/--groups | Only snitches in the database which are reinforced to one of these groups will be imported. If you really want to import all snitches in the database, pass -g all . |
-r/--roles | Users with at least one of these roles will be able to render the imported snitches. Use the name of the role (don't ping the role). Use the name everyone to grant all users access to the snitches. |
Adds a kira config to the list of known formats. Use this if you have modified your kira snitch message format from the default. To use, run !kira relayconfig <config_name>
first, then .add-kira-config
. Snitchvis will look for a recent config message by kira to parse.
Example: .add-kira-config
Takes no arguments.
Lists the most recent events for the specified snitch or snitches.
Example: .events --name "shop entrance"
Argument | Description |
-n/--name | List events for snitches with the specified name. |
-l/--location | List events for snitches at this location. Format is -l/--location x y z or -l/--location x z . The two parameter version is a convenience to avoid having to specify a y level; snitches at all y levels at that (x, z) location will be searched for events. |
Lists what snitch channels you have have permission to render events from. This is based on your discord roles and how you set up the snitch channels (see .list-channels
Example: .permissions
Takes no arguments.
Indexes messages in the current snitch channels.
Example: .index
Takes no arguments.
Drops all currently indexed snitches and re-indexes from scratch. This can help with some rare issues. You probably don't want to do this unless you know what you're doing, or have been advised to do so by tybug.
Example: .full-reindex
Argument | Description |
-y | Pass to confirm you would like to reindex the server. |
Sets a new prefix for snitchvis. The default prefix is .
Example: snitchvissetprefix !
(note there is no .
before the command)
Name | Description |
prefix | The new prefix to use. Must be a single character. |
Walks you through an initial setup of snitchvis.
Example: .tutorial
Takes no arguments.
Displays available commands.
Example: .help
Takes no arguments.
Snitchvis requires python 3.10.
git clone https://github.com/tybug/snitchvisbot
cd snitchvisbot
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config.example.py config.py
You'll need to open config.py
and set your bot token and author id. You can set the other fields if you want, but you don't have to. When deploying, you should set Testing
to False
, or else it will only respond to commands on guilds in TESTING_GUILDS
You'll also need to enable the "Message Content" intent on the developer portal so the bot can read commands and kira messages.
To start the bot:
python main.py
Database is created on first run. There's currently no way to deal with database migrations.
If you're running on a headless server, or somewhere without an X server, you'll need to set the QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen
environment variable before running snitchvis.